19 Warrior Flag Carrier

lindenkron said:
Swap chest for 13 stam, instead of 11 stam 4 agi? Suggestion.

Would minor speed be better than the stam? Not like I can run away from shit with shamans-hunter-druids out running me anyway right?

Also took a little loss on neck - chest for more mitigation, stam stacking alone would be a mistake i feel.

More please.
Minor speed is BiS pre debuff.
u should have boots w/ minor speed and boots w/ 7 stam. Also a blocking shield w/ lesser blocking on it. and thank pezin for the bracer correction lol
Chausses of Westfall > an extra 3 stam from leather pants

Scarlet Kris offers +4 stam and +3 resilience (just a suggestion)

Upgraded Dwarven Hand Cannon offers +1 resilience

not sure how that compares to +1 stam/agi
I had a blast on my warrior as a flag carrier. Was it the best option? Well of course not, but for the reasons you listed it was riot. Nothing like beating the crap out of couple of allys on the way back to return the flag.

That said, I went a little different route and tried to maximize my speed where ever possible. I also stacked agility as my 2nd attribute (behind stamina ahead of strength).

The AGM is an awesome tool to have. I'd try to wait to pop mine until the 2nd or hopefully 3rd return, but that shield is insane when coupled with lifebloom.

I'd also HIGHLY recommend buying stacks and stacks of the swiftness potion (in addition to Black Label). With a little luck you'll catch one of the speedups in the tunnel and if you have a potion you can pop through midfield the Quick Cap achievement is super simple.

I don't remember my exact gear setup. I know i had the defias chestpiece and the leggings of the fang along with the Runic Darkblade (crusader).

Which brings up another little warrior trick. Don't go into the defensive stance. I know you get the damage mitigation, but you lose the ability to charge. Use your charge to your benefit when crossing mid. It's like 2 free blinks per crossings. When combined with crusader you'll occasionally get an added heal thrown on top of it.

Gear Check

You can't have the Seal of Wrynn as Horde

Like I said Runic Darkblade with crusader. It's your friend (500+ hits)

Speed increase on the boots.

+4 on the chest. You give up 60 HP, but you get 4 agility and 4 strength. Your AGM and Lifebloom more than make up the difference

The satchel of goods gear... It's up to you on the cloak and the waist... But once again... I wouldn't JUST stack stamina.

You are going to get caught. When you get caught you want to be able to win a fight getting out of it provided you've just been caught by 1 or maybe 2. If you've stacked stamina to the detriment of everything else, it's a slow inevitable death.
Jayeein said:
I had a blast on my warrior as a flag carrier. Was it the best option? Well of course not, but for the reasons you listed it was riot. Nothing like beating the crap out of couple of allys on the way back to return the flag.

That said, I went a little different route and tried to maximize my speed where ever possible. I also stacked agility as my 2nd attribute (behind stamina ahead of strength).

The AGM is an awesome tool to have. I'd try to wait to pop mine until the 2nd or hopefully 3rd return, but that shield is insane when coupled with lifebloom.

I'd also HIGHLY recommend buying stacks and stacks of the swiftness potion (in addition to Black Label). With a little luck you'll catch one of the speedups in the tunnel and if you have a potion you can pop through midfield the Quick Cap achievement is super simple.

I don't remember my exact gear setup. I know i had the defias chestpiece and the leggings of the fang along with the Runic Darkblade (crusader).

Which brings up another little warrior trick. Don't go into the defensive stance. I know you get the damage mitigation, but you lose the ability to charge. Use your charge to your benefit when crossing mid. It's like 2 free blinks per crossings. When combined with crusader you'll occasionally get an added heal thrown on top of it.

Gear Check

You can't have the Seal of Wrynn as Horde

Like I said Runic Darkblade with crusader. It's your friend (500+ hits)

Speed increase on the boots.

+4 on the chest. You give up 60 HP, but you get 4 agility and 4 strength. Your AGM and Lifebloom more than make up the difference

The satchel of goods gear... It's up to you on the cloak and the waist... But once again... I wouldn't JUST stack stamina.

You are going to get caught. When you get caught you want to be able to win a fight getting out of it provided you've just been caught by 1 or maybe 2. If you've stacked stamina to the detriment of everything else, it's a slow inevitable death.

1. Why negate defensive stance? Without it you can't Shield Block / Disarm

2. Why would you use a Runic Darkblade for FCing...


I've FCed in PuGs on my warrior many times and tried a number of gear setups, but when I go in my max stam set I always find myself unable to do enough damage to down the ally offense. I'd use Chausses of Westfall over Smelting Pants, BoA leather chest over Defias (for the hit), Thorbias w/ 15 agi, and a SF mainhand. Also, the BoA gun + the BoA insignia + the WG shoulders actually add up to a decent amount of resil
Marystus said:
1. Why negate defensive stance? Without it you can't Shield Block / Disarm

2. Why would you use a Runic Darkblade for FCing...


I've FCed in PuGs on my warrior many times and tried a number of gear setups, but when I go in my max stam set I always find myself unable to do enough damage to down the ally offense. I'd use Chausses of Westfall over Smelting Pants, BoA leather chest over Defias (for the hit), Thorbias w/ 15 agi, and a SF mainhand. Also, the BoA gun + the BoA insignia + the WG shoulders actually add up to a decent amount of resil

Dawnblade BiS? Lol.

But really stacking a good ammount of stamina along with stength and agility is the way to go.
Eliot said:
Dawnblade BiS? Lol.

But really stacking a good ammount of stamina along with stength and agility is the way to go.

ya, dawnblade is crap. I tried it but the lack of damage is not worth the 50hp.

Mix of good balanced health and str/agi like eliot said.

You got to play like a fox if you dont have a huge deffense with you. No speed increase forces you to get running very early and try to evade groups of enemies even to you dont know were they are atm (well you have to imagine sometimes what they ll do) and ya ... that's anoying, every shaman hunter and druid, even rogues with sprint are a pain in the ass if it comes to keep distance ..

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