19 Warrior changes in 3.0.2


Just thought i would share my experience of a 19 warrior twink since the release of 3.0.2.

In my opinion level 19 warriors got one huge friggin' buff with the new talents and changed spells. Some of the things i really like include

*A thunderclap doing crazy damage - Argh, hitting 4 enemys for 70 each is just so good (with talent that is). And it crits for over 100. And the damage buff combined with the debuff making the enemy hit 20% slower, and costing less rage is just so good!

(Compare that to old thunderclap hitting for like 10-20 damage)

*Incite, 15% more crit chance of heroic strike and thunderclap - This is also a great buff for warrior. Since heroic strike is one of the abilitys most used when dumping rage. Combine this with the glyph that gives back 10 rage each time you crit with heroic strike and you got yourself a nice little thingy there.

*Mocking blow doing weapon damage - Well, maybe not the the biggest /cheer in history, but gives you a free hit every minute. Works

*A rend that is quite usable (!?) - Yup, ticks for about a total of 80 damage over 12 secs. It's not be the best, but it might be worth using since it isnt migrated by armor.

Also some other things affecting warriors. Armored to the teeth-talent might interest those who goes for just damage?

hope someone find this post good for some reason.

Nice, dueled one of the best warriors in EU (IMO) and i got completely ripped apart.

I one the duel but it was only because i have the bugged mining buff, i can normally beat warriors with my stam/LS build but with the dodge nerf + warrior buff its going to be alot harder.

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