I would suggest something like McG or Butcher's for your MH wep for more or less the same reasons as Zimt. As a war FC you wont be pre FCing, and when you do in PuGs the incs will most likely be ramshackle, thus easy enough to tank, which is especially good since a warrior cant kite so well. If you're tanking an O then you will want damage output to dispatch said O, thus 1 stam is a small price to pay for the large damage increase.
In regard to enchant i would go for LS or sader. Crusader's healing isnt as big, and you cant count on it for a shield block combo, but people tend to stick to you when you're FC so you can make the most of the proc for maximum damage. For pure FCing though, i would go LS. It heals for more than sader and its better than agi since you should be facing your attackers at all times anyway, so swinging at them is easy enough, so you get good healing in compensation for losing mitigation and you keep decent damage.