19 Twink Shaman Guide


So why should you pick a shaman as your twink? Well that is a good question. The best way to answer it is to explain why I like playing my shaman. Really I love the versatility (a word I will use often) and role it plays either in a BG or an arena. Shamans are an offensive healer, though their heals aren’t quite up to what a priest, pally or druid can do but they can maintain some heals plus dish out some damage. They don’t need to stay back and hide the entire time. Because they are the only none mail wearing class that can use shields they get a decent amount of armor. Their shocks and totems are their greatest weapons being able to apply damage and interrupts from a distance at instant speed plus adding a AoE slow and other utilities means they are always on the move. Of course they do have some weaknesses, with the exception of having a tremor totem down, they can be CC’ed very easily. They still have range attacks with their spells. And that is another thing, they have the shocks and totems as instants but the rest tend to have a cast time which means it is subject to pushback, now with WotLK it is considerably less, but a full second added still can be enough to decide victory or defeat. Now I am going to go over some things to get you prepared as possible to play the shaman class. So study and grow strong.

Table of Contents:

1. Spells

2. Races

3. Specs

4. Sample Gearlist

5. Picking up Items

6. Professions

7. 1v1

1. Spells

I am pretty much just going to list all the spells available to the shaman with their cost and any other useful information I can provide


All shocks are instant and use the same cooldown. For the most optimally DPS with them the rotation would be FS -> ES -> FS using other abilities while the shocks are on cooldown.

Flame Shock: 22% base mana, 6 sec cooldown

Flame shock is a DoT that lasts 12 seconds; it helps against bandages and stealth so try to keep that on as much as possible. Remember before glyph the duration is 12 seconds so you could always rotate in an earth shock. Flame shock is by far the ability I use the most. Jumping in water does not make this go away, neither does /stop, /drop, or /roll. Just an FYI.

Earth Shock: 23% base mana, 6 sec cooldown

This is your best source of burst damage, but it does do less than damage overall than flame shock.


Shamans don’t have buffs but with totems they provide various utility like effects, while maintaining mobility. With the exception of shocks, totems are the shamans most important trait. There is a variety of them and all can be useful during certain situations, so don’t be afraid to experiment and try different totems and various times to try to maximize your potential.

Earthbind Totem: 5% base mana, 15 sec cooldown

This is the ability that I use the second most. Being an AoE slow it has multiple applications. First it helps you kite a warrior or rogue when you are dueling, mean you can use shocks while on the move and when you have some distance drop a heal or lightning bolt. Repeat these steps until the opponent is dead. Second in BG’s it is useful against a FC trying to make their escape or helps your FC make their escape from a group of the opposing faction. When dueling Earthbind Totem should be used when the opponent is right next to you, drop it so you can strafe away. You don’t want to drop it when they are to far away because it can give them the time to destroy it and it will be on CD when you need to make your escape.

Searing Totem: 9% base mana

Searing Totem will always be a constant source of damage even when you are kiting, plus it can keep warriors in combat so they can’t charge you when you try to escape. It should always be down. Always.

Tremor Totem: 2% base mana

A well timed Tremor Totem can devastate any class that uses fear spells. Being able to get rid of the fear puts a hindrance on the classes that need it so they can escape. Time this right and duels become a little easier. Never forget you have this weapon.

Fire Nova Totem: 33%, 15 sec cooldown

This spell is great on the burst damage. I use it to help me take down hunter pets quicker or anything I am meleeing, which shouldn’t be much but there are times where it just happens. Also a great trick I love doing is when I see a warrior targeting me, I stop and drop this and start casting a lightning bolt. Now the warrior will probably charge me but he falls into the Fire Nova Totem. If he doesn’t charge I get a lightning bolt of, or if he charges the Fire Nova Totem I again get the bolt of, a win-win of burst damage.

Stoneclaw Totem: 8% base mana, 30 sec cooldown

The uses for Stoneclaw are minimal but sometimes it works. First the taunt ability can sometimes get pets off of you for a bit which is always nice. Second some players get totem destroying happy and just destroy any totem they see and if you drop this they might think it is an Earthbind and might get stun. Trust me the first time you get someone to fall for it you will be as happy as a clam. Go ahead have a tasty cupcake.

Stoneskin Totem: 13% base mana

So a 200 armor increase isn’t something you would write home about, but something you should realize you have in your arsenal.

Strength of Earth Totem: 13% base mana

You get a increase of Strength and Agility by 10, which is okay. This is probably your least used totem, and might even be your least used ability.


The rest of these spells round out the shamans arsenal of what they have available. I have used every ability that the shaman has available at 19 in pvp.

Ghost Wolf: 3% base mana

One of the new things that shamans acquired in patch 3.2 is ghost wolf. It is a 40% speed increase form. Tricks to remember, it is a 2 sec cast unless specced into Improved Ghost Wolf, it can be dispelled, and with it on you are immune to sap. That being said it is a very powerful ability and shouldn't be underestimated, really only being overshadowed by druid's travel form.

Wind Shear: 8% base mana, 6 sec cooldown

Wind Shear is the shamans interrupt. With patch 3.2 it is now the only interrupt now that Earth Shock lowers melee speed. Also it no longer uses the same cooldown as the shocks so get used to the new timing.

Purge: 8% base mana

Other powerful weapon in the Shamans spellbook. Being able to get rid of the opponents buffs like extra health and HoTs is amazing. Besides priests, shamans are the only class that can get rid of those buffs. Some things you should remember that can be dispelled: Aura of Protection from Arena Grand Master, Speed increase from Speed Potion, and Hand of Freedom buff from Paladins.

Lightning Shield: no mana

This should always been on your shaman. While you are being attacked it will always deal damage back. Plus with it being a free spell it doesn’t invoke the 5 second rule, however it still triggers the GCD.

Healing Wave: 32% base mana

The only heal spell available to shaman at 19, not counting racials or professions of course. Never let yourself get to low on health before you cast this spell the pushback plus cast time can give the opposing class time to kill you. Also even though the lower ranks have the same mana cost don’t be afraid to use one to get a heal of sooner, Rank 3 is really good at that.

Lighting Bolt: 13% base mana

You might go tons of BGs and duels without using this or you might spam this non stop. It is a simple and elegant damage spell. I use lower ranks for quicker cast when dueling rogues and warriors when they are a distance away while my shocks are on cooldown.

Flametongue Weapon: 8% base mana

So not only does it give +13 spell damage but it adds about another 14 dmg per hit with most of the weapons you use.

Cure Toxins: 7% base mana

Sure it only is really effective against one class, but hey when that class is one of the top classes in the bracket any weapon you have against them is a good one. I have ran completely OOM from a full bar on mana running from a hunter just spamming this. But hey, I had next to full health before I got away.

Rockbiter Weapon: 8% base mana

Even though it is deemed so useless you stopping getting ranks after level 24 I have used this occasionally on a Smite’s Mighty Hammer and done some nice burst damage. Fun times.

Ancestral spirit: 72% base mana

Hey it is a rez spell, it might get used during a BG, not often but it is there.
2. Races

So on Alliance you have only one race to choose from and on the Horde you have 3. Most of the time it comes down to racials, but comparing stats might also help in deciding what gear will be better suited for you.

Base Stats

These are the base stats for the possible shaman classes:







Racial traits


War Stomp-

Activate to stun opponents - Stuns up to 5 enemies within the area for 2 seconds. 2 minute cooldown.


Base Health increased by 5%.

Nature Resistance-

Reduces chance to be hit by nature spells and effects by 2%.


Blood Fury-

Activate to increase attack power and spell damage/healing by an amount based on level/class for 15 seconds. The cooldown is 2 minutes.


Decrease stun duration by 15%.

Axe Specialization-

Expertise with Axe weapons inceased by 5.



Activate to increase attack and casting speed for 10 seconds. Speed is raised by 10% at full health, increasing as health is lost to a maximum bonus of 30%. 3 minute cooldown.

Costs 10 Energy, 5 Rage, or 6% of base mana.


Increase health regeneration bonus by 10%. Also allows 10% of normal health regenerate during combat.

Beast Slaying-

5% damage bonus to Beasts.

Da Voodoo Shuffle-

Reduces the duration of all movement impairing effects by 15%.


Gift of the Naaru-

Activate to heal your target for 35 + 15 per Level over 15 sec - 40 yd range - Instant - 3 min cooldown. (At level 1 it heals 50 health, and 1085 at level 70)

Heroic Presence-

Increases chance to hit by 1% for you and all party members within 30 yards.

Shadow Resistance-

Reduces the chance you will be hit by Shadow spells by 2%.

3. Specs

So you have your ten talent points and you want to know what to spend them on. You want to setup your talents that best suits what your class does, and the shamans are best at being offensive healers. Now that doesn’t mean you have to be only that, with the agility change shamans can have a decent Attack Power. Will it be on the level of a Warrior, Rogue or even Hunter? No, but when combined with your versatile spells you could be a force. Remember you don’t have the high attack power mostly because you have things like the shocks, searing totem and even flametongue weapon which adds more damage to your normal auto attack, so remember you are supplemented by your spells when going whatever route your choose. Now here is some sample talent builds I have seen and used. So look it over and see what works for your playstyle and gear choices

Talent Builds

With patch 3.2 there are two things a shaman has to ask him/her self. Instant Ghost wolf or no? To instant Ghost Wolf you must put 7 points into the Enhancement tree so you best bet would probably be

0 or 2 in Earth's Grasp

5 or 3 in Ancestral Knowledge (depends on wanting Earth's Grasp or not)

2 in Improved Ghost Wolf

3 in Improved Healing Wave

Granted with the last 3 you could put anywhere but the .3 sec's off of Healing Wave is easily the best option. Now if you don't want Ghost Wolf you take those 2 points and put them into Improved Healing Wave for the full .5 off CT.

4. Sample Gearlist

Shamans can use most weapons, no swords or ranged. Leather and cloth armor, plus shields. So that means that shamans have a wide range of things they can have in their inventory. Also with shamans all stats are important. As far as what to aim for I try to get about 1600ish hp and mana with about 70+ mana regen.

A gear set list for a spellpower shaman:


[item=6383]Forest Buckler[/item]

[item=7002]Arctic Buckler[/item]

[item=3761]Deadskull Shield[/item] (Horde only)

Enchants: +7 stamina, Vitality (+4mp5/+4hp5)


[item=2567]Evocator's Blade[/item]

[item=22984]Dawnblade[/item](Horde only)

[item=17046]Gutterblade[/item](Alliance only)

[item=42948]Devout Aurastone Hammer[/item]

[item=44094]The Blessed Hammer of Grace[/item]

Enchants: +30 spelldamage, +22 intellect, +20 spirit


[item=19972]Lucky Fishing Hat[/item]

[item=4385]Green Tinted Goggles[/item]


[item=20444]Sentinel's Medallion[/item]/[item=20442]Scout's Medallion[/item]

[item=21933]Thick Bronze Necklace[/item]

[item=16009]Voice Amplification Modulator[/item]


[item=10657]Talbar Mantle[/item]

[item=4315]Reinforced Woolen Shoulders[/item]

[item=42951]Mystical Pauldrons of Elements[/item]


[item=20428]Caretaker's Cape[/item]/[item=20427]Battle Healer's Cloak[/item]

[item=6667]Engineer's Cloak[/item]

[item=45626]Spidersilk Drape[/item]

Enchants: +70 armor, +10 shadow resistance, +15 nature resistance


[item=2231]Inferno Robe[/item] (Horde only)

[item=6465]Robe of the Moccasin[/item]

[item=1486]Tree Bark Jacket[/item]

[item=10399]Blackened Defias Armor[/item]

[item=48683]Mystical Vest of Elements[/item]

Enchants: +4 stats, +6 stats (on Inferno Robe), +100 hp (welcome back)


[item=15331]Wrangler's Wristbands[/item]

[item=14148]Crystalline Cuffs[/item]

Enchants: +9 stamina, +15 spellpower


[item=12977]Magefist Gloves[/item]

of the Eagle Gloves (4/4)

[item=5195]Gold-flecked Gloves[/item]

[item=10654]Jutebraid Gloves[/item] (Horde only)

Enchants: +16 spellpower


[item=6319]Girdle of the Blindwatcher[/item]


[item=12987]Darkweave Breeches[/item]

of the Eagle Pants (5/5)

Enchants: +16 Armor


Scouting Boots of the Eagle

[item=10411]Footpads of the Fang[/item]

[item=4320]Spidersilk Boots[/item]

Enchants: Minor Speed Increase


[item=19024]Arena Grand Master[/item]

Minor Recombulator

Insignia of the Alliance/Horde

[item=42992]Discerning Eye of the Beast[/item]


[item=6414]Seal of Sylvanas[/item]

[item=2933]Seal of Wrynn[/item]

[item=20429]Legionnaire's Band[/item]/[item=20431]Lorekeeper's Ring[/item]

Now this isn’t set in stone, you can have different enchants on different gear that fits your particular need. Plus I didn’t even include a Melee DPS set list, mostly because there are different ways to look at it.
5. Picking up Items

There are lots of items you could pick up for the shaman meaning lots of versatility and customization. I am going to list numerous of these items to give you a look at what you can get. First will be Quest items and the level you get them, second will be Boss drop items, and third will be the BoE items. Remember try and do instances ASAP. You don’t want to hit 19 and still need boss drops or even quest items.

Here is a list of quest items and the level requirements to get them.


5- Lucky Fishing Hat

15- Talbar Mantle

16- Engineer's Cloak

18- Arctic Buckler

*- Arena Grand Master


9- Kimbra Boots and Minor Channeling Ring

16- Seal of Wrynn

18- Gutterblade


9- Invoker’s Signet or Slayer’s Band

15- Dawnblade

15- Jutebraid Gloves

16- Grizzled Boots

17- Inferno Robe

18- Seal of Sylvanas

18- Ghostly Mantle

18- Screecher Belt

19- Deadskull Shield

*- Tranquilien Cloak (rep grind)

Here is a list of the boss drops filed by instance and then boss.

Ragefire Chasm

Taragaman the Hungerer:

Crystalline Cuffs

Subterranean Cape

Jergosh the Invoker:

Robe of Evocation

The Deadmines

Miner Johnson:

Miner’s Cape

Gold-plated Buckler

Sneed’s Shredder:

Buzzer Blade


Gold-Flecked Gloves

Taskmaster Axe


Lavishly Jeweled Ring

Smelting Pants

Mr. Smite:

Smite’s Reaver

Smite’s Mighty Hammer

Captain Greenskin:

Emberstone Staff

Blackened Defias Belt

Edwin Vancleef:

Corsair’s Overshirt

Blackened Defias Armor

Wailing Caverns

Lady Anacondra:

Serpent’s Shoulders

Belt of the Fang

Lord Cobrahn:

Robe of the Moccasin

Leggings of the Fang


Worn Turtle Shell

Kresh’s Back

Lord Pythas:

Armor of the Fang

Stinging Viper

Deviate Faerie Dragon:

Feyscale Cloak


Glowing Lizardscale Cloak

Lord Serpentis:

Serpent Gloves

Footpads of the Fang

Verdan the Everliving:

Sporid Cape

Shadowfang Keep


Rugged Spaulders

Razorclaw the Butcher:

Bloody Apron

Odo the Blindwatcher:

Girdle of the Blindwatcher

And here is a list of some BoE items you could/should pick up:


Green-Tinted Googles (Engineering BoE)


Voice Amplification Module

Thick Bronze Necklace


Reinforced Woolen Shoulder


Spidersilk Drape


Tree-Bark Jacket


Wrangler’s Wristbands of the Eagle


Magefist Gloves

Scouting Gloves of the Eagle


Scouting Pants of the Eagle

Rigid Leggings of the Eagle

Darkweave Breeches


Scouting Boots of the Eagle

Spidersilk Boots


Evocator’s Blade

Razor’s Edge

Skeletal Club

Forester’s Axe of the Eagle

Night Reaver


Forest Buckler


Glyph of Healing Wave-Your Healing Wave also heals you for 20% of the healing effect when you heal someone else. (Major)

Glyph of Flame Shock- Increases the duration of your Flame Shock ability by 6 sec and it is not consumed by casting Lava Burst. (Major)

Glyph of Stoneclaw Totem-Your Stoneclaw Totem also places a damage absorb shield on you, equal to 4 times the strength of the shield it places on your totems. (Major)

Before 3.1 Flame Shock and Healing Wave glyphs were really only two glyphs worth considering. Now with the Stoneclaw glyph you now have a absorption shield. The rank 2 Stoneclaw absorbs 58*4 damage (roughly) which equals 232 damage. Now Stoneclaw isn't a better totem than Earthbind, but the shield does remain whether or not you still have Stoneclaw which means you can now totem-twist. First you lay the Stoneclaw then next GCD you lay Earthbind, so you get both effects.

Now which glyph is the best is still up for debate as all 3 of these do offer a great effect. I think the 6 sec.'s on Flame Shock might be better in Arenas. But in WSG all could be good. And what is up with the lack of minor glyphs still, QQ.

BoA stats

Devout Aurastone Hammer:

One-Handed Mace – 2.70 speed

32-48 (15.0 DPS)

+3 Intellect

+4 Stamina

+15 Spell Power

The Blessed Hammer of Grace:

One-Handed Mace – 2.70 speed

32-48 (15.0 DPS)

+3 Stamina

+3 Resilience Rating (roughly .57%)

+1 mp5

+15 Spell Power

Mystical Pauldrons of Elements:

Shoulder – 69 Armor

+6 Stamina

+4 Intellect

+1 mp5

+5 Spell Power

Mystical Vest of Elements:

Chest - 92 Armor

+5 Stamina

+5 Intellect

+7 Spell Power

+3 mp5

Discerning Eye of the Beast


+7 Spell Power

Equip: Restores 2% of your maximum mana whenever you kill a target that yields experience or honor.

6. Professions-

Your choice of professions also effects what your shaman is able to do. I am going to list some of them and give you the advantages they possess.


With mining at 225 you get 7 stamina. Not a lot, but if you choose it you can play around with other stats to get more from them


At 225 skinning will give you a 9 crit rating, which is nice considering you rely on both melee attacks and spells.


225 herbalism gives you a HoT that heals 720 over 5 sec. on a 3 min cooldown. Easily the best of the 3 gathering professions if you plan on dueling or doing arenas.


Besides the Lucky Fishing Hat, Engineering is the only way you can get a head piece with stats on it. Also you get to use such goodies like Bombs, Minor Recombobulators, and Target Dummies.


Pretty much the only thing you get is Solid Stone Statue which will heal you for about 400 hp over time

7. 1v1-

Now this is how I do the fights in my spelldamage setup. I start the fights with my stamina enchanted shield and intellect enchanted weapon. After I burn through the 300 mana I switch to my spelldamage enchanted weapon and my spirit enchanted shield. Then when I am OOM I finally switch to my spirit enchanted weapon and keep on my spirit enchanted shield.

Now as far as 1v1 I have learned that there isn’t a set way to do things, because your strategy changes upon you opponent and your opponents skill compared to yours. Some classes sure are a little easier to defeat than others but I don’t consider any class an auto lose or even an auto win. Be mindful of what is going on and keep a watchful eye on the surroundings. Look for every advantage you can get (without exploits/cheating of course). Things like LoS or even the hazards in the newer arenas.

Setting up keybinds and doing mouse turns also helps your reaction time and can greatly improve your performance so practice that.

So I hope you enjoyed this guide. Please let me know if there is anything that I missed or could add to further assist. Thanks
Edit for 2/24/2009 - changed what you get from max professions and some stylistic changes. Will try and continue updating as more info comes out.

Edit for 5/6/2009 - Added BoA items, new BoE items and Stoneclaw Glyph. Also deleted enchants and items that can no longer be used.

Edit for 8/5/2009 - Added BoA items, new spells and enchants.
Updated and added this excellent guide to the Guide Section.
WOW what a great guide....i have a lvl 12 shammy just sitting makes me want to convert it to a twink.....i may actually do that now
hello for the guide go to wow-twink it's a site french but very complete but the moderator don't have the time for completing the guide.

Put the "random enchantement" for the wrist (5 spell power) and you forgot an others wrist it's

Brassards de projection mentale

And you forgot to specify the spe who go with the diferrents items

Sorry for my english i'm french and i don't very strong in this subject.
great guide, i love how you include where all of the gear comes from and what level to attain it at.

kinda confused as to what "x% of base mana" means, sorry if my reading skills suck but i just got confused...so if you have 2k mana at 19 how much will EB totem cost?

oh and include the 5/5 shoulder from SFK :)
Druiddroid said:
great guide, i love how you include where all of the gear comes from and what level to attain it at.

kinda confused as to what "x% of base mana" means, sorry if my reading skills suck but i just got confused...so if you have 2k mana at 19 how much will EB totem cost?

oh and include the 5/5 shoulder from SFK :)

"% of base mana" is your mana without gear on, if they would count your Whole mana pool, going int gear would be useless as you wouldn't gain anything from it. Just making your spells cost more mana.
Warbay said:
"% of base mana" is your mana without gear on, if they would count your Whole mana pool, going int gear would be useless as you wouldn't gain anything from it. Just making your spells cost more mana.

i see

There is a crit stuff who is very interresting with the depecage and the "buzzer blade"

with the enchant "Surefooted on the boots" + the chest who give +5 crit and the minor channeling ring.

Who give 23% of crit with some spell power (110)

pliz write in english scol
I did follow this guide, Lovely, Didnt do everything and still have 0 Enchants.

This Guide was my way into Twinks :D

is a good guide, a little hard to read (highlights are good to break up the black :D )

when i level myself a shaman ill have a peek
I love the burst my shaman puts out. Stacked the shit out of spellspower while maintaining a nice amount of mana, and also equipping a nice little DPS weapon [ITEM]Assassin's Blade[/ITEM].

I reccomend making one if you wanna have some hella fun :)

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