19 shaman twink

Hi, I'm interested in makin a 19 shaman. This is my first -9 twink as I play 39s. I'm wondering what race is best? (horde) I c alot of tuaren shamns is that for the xtra hp?? Also wat kinda gear am I'm lookin for? I can get boas. The roll I'd want to play is dmg maybe fc. Any other advice/tops u can offer is greatly appericiated.

Thnx in advance
Orc or Tauren. I choose Orc for my shaman.
Go cow for warstomp (windshear warstomp windshear lets you throw down a lot of dps while the healer cant heal)

you dont have to but consider this instead of whats on that chardev

mp5 on your bracers and inferno robe with mp5 instead of the boa chest (a total 21 mp5 while casting)

The Blessed Hammer of Grace w/ 30 spellpower for after you burn through the 26 int on the first one(an addition to the chardev not a replacement)

spidersilk drape and minor speed to boots instead of hit rating to boots enchant (trading 4 int for 8% runspeed increase and stay hit capped)

resistance enchant instead of armor on your cloak, which one is your preference

smeltiing pants (2% more spell crit)
I agree mostly with what Supadrood said, however i find minor speed unnecessary with imp ghost wolf, and the 5 hit invaluable. The boot enchant is a great way to cap. The rest i agree with though.
you think 4 int is worth more then 8% runspeed? you can't ghostwolf indoors and everyone who uses minor speed will have an advantage on you in those situations.
Supadrood said:
you think 4 int is worth more then 8% runspeed? you can't ghostwolf indoors and everyone who uses minor speed will have an advantage on you in those situations.

earthbind will hit everyone indoors, I'd say it's really not needed for a shammy.
earthbind is a cool down and people can just kill it before it ticks. i don't care if you don't want to use minorspeed, but its bad advise if you keep telling new players its not needed when there are plenty of other ways to get hit caped and 8% speed is the difference between whether or not someone is getting beat on in melee range in alot of situations. 8% speed has the chance to change the outcome of a match in certain situations 4 intellect does not. i would argue a stamina boot enchant over the hit enchant, but would still take minor speed over both.
I dont choose between spidersilk and 5hit to boots, i take both, plus lavishly jeweled ring to get me fully capped. Getting completely capped is worth more to me than a situational 8% run speed.
Kore nametooshort said:
I dont choose between spidersilk and 5hit to boots, i take both, plus lavishly jeweled ring to get me fully capped. Getting completely capped is worth more to me than a situational 8% run speed.

Missed windshear/shock/purge is a lot more game-breaking than the one time in 1000 when your EB (with a very short CD) gets killed before it pulses.
11 hit cap is for melee i thought we were discussing shaman, is landing every auto attack more important then running 8% faster?

@riv where did u see me say dont get hitcapped?
As a shaman you will either be outside where u can GW or inside with EB slowing everyone around you. I just done see it as being as necessary for shamans as it is for so many other classes.
i'm not arguing its as good for shaman as it is for everyone, i'm arguing its still worth more then all the other boot enchants.
Minor speed is a must, by all means get the other chants on other boots, but 99% of the time u should run with speed.

As for race, tauren 10000000%, the shear > stomp > shear is godly.

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