19 Rogue offhands?

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I'm stuck between Gutterblade and Heartseeker, which would be better? (Fiery)

This assumes that shadowfang is mh.

Any other weapon suggestions?
if you have an SF mh, then go WB if you;re horde, or CB if youre alliance

and i have dual LS, get quadruple procs sometimes, so offhand procs indeed do proc, and give better burst than agi
I'm using SF/Butcher's slicer, not the best choice but I'm not a perfectionist and it's working well with 15 agi slapped on it. If you are a perfectionist go for cruel barb or Assassins Blade.
I see the spreadsheet, but I just don't see how a slower offhand is better dps.

the whole premis that a slow offhand is better is dependant on you time on target. since 90% of the time your jousting or chasing and only have a few seconds to attack your target the slower offhand will yield higher damage. now if rogues had crip in this bracket, thiefs blade is hands down the best offhand. but we dont so its not.
I switch between [item]Cruel Barb[/item],

[item]Thief's Blade[/item], [item]Balanced Heartseeker[/item], [item]Gutterblade[/item]. I cant find one to use most.
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