19 Rogue.. No skill needed.


So I come back to my rogue and being the ex duel hero that I was... What the fuck is this crap? I mean seriously. No garrote, no slice and dice? I remember back in the day when a perfect opener was getting the sap, into a spin garrote, back strafing, throwing up slice and dice, and getting a thown off.. They totally ruined rogues in this bracket. Not to mention im pooping on this hunter, and I mean completely pooping on (he had 2k hp) and I pilar him and his pet kill commands me for 1200? WTF! Has Blizzard devs gone off the deep end? When can we have our fucken game back?

/End rant!
no more like 600-700
Blizzard always hated us the most. 29+ didn't get shit all over as badly, because Blizzard figures they understand the game better by that point. They've always thought we were ruining everything, by one shotting kids going into their first WSG with white gear and two blues from Deadmines

Don't expect them to change it though, the current way is simpler for casuals so they don't get confused as fast until they get to 85 and do 6k DPS in DS. There's probably some Private Server(s) that provide a more traditional 10-19 experience, though

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