[19] Rate my mage

Besides the obvious 1 armor to bracers (i have the 15 armor version in the bank i'm just lazy) and second agm. How would you rate my mage? I have 6/6 belt, treebark, and magefist if i need to adjust any int/stam stuff. What about the cape enchant? 70 armor for hunters 10 SR for locks? I figure +5 all covers pretty much everything which puts me at 10 SR total.


The shadowfang is a +1
With all due respect- You're not hit capped. That loses points in my books. My CC set, not too toot my own horn, is fully hit capped with 1572hp and 1402mana and no BoA's. I'm also using 2/2 eagle bracers, and 4 stam would probably be better- I'm just waiting for the AH to pop them for me ;D

GL and a 9/10 for me, only because of the hit cap lack.
Assuming you use hit pots i'll give you a 9.5/10

You have a little bit of stat swapping going on with your set up. If you use butchers apron, DWB and spidersilkboots you would gain 1 int and 4 sp in exchange for 1spirit. Plus you get a robe that matches you shoulders and some snazzy looking boots

It may work for you, but I prefer a bit more int.

Not hit capped.

Only 1 AGM.

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