19 pally roles/specs

Now that 3.2 has hit, what role do you guys feel is best for a 19 paladin (healer, dps, hybrid heals/dps, etc.)? Seems that FCing is out to me. And, given your opinion for the role of a pally, what spec(s) do you suggest?
On my palladin I DPS, heal, and FC like always and I still put all 10 points in prot.
Please tell me why FCing is out?
Well, maybe "out" was too strong, but with ghostwolf and the druid travel form it seems shamans and druids would sure get across the field alot faster.
Cptheals said:
Please tell me why FCing is out?

I think he is saying they are out because shammys and druids are faster now. Pallys make good FCers when there is no shammy or druid around with FCing gear and in PuGs I always FC on my pally.

Well, maybe "out" was too strong, but with ghostwolf and the druid travel form it seems shamans and druids would sure get across the field alot faster.

Sure they can get across faster, but w/o the right gear and skills they are going to die regaurdless. A palladin is still a quite viable option
Woot another paladin thread! Role should be stick with the 3 or 4 hunters on your team and heal mid, Provide a hard stun that can't be shifted, Buff everyone, use Lay on Hands early on offense so that you can use it twice. Paladins can be bursty and do not die easily can be good to help out the rogues on offense.

Although I am about the middle of the charts in damage and healing I have noticed my total output (ie damage and healing) added together usually is quite good (this is one definition of a utility player). I think this is also a good way to measure how much you are contributing to your team.

You can always hold the flag in the base and be a "cooldown FC" in a pinch.
Thanks Grabco, that's the type of info I am after. Do you find that spec doesn't matter all that much for your approach? I see that you use a 5/5/0 dps spec.
5/5/0 with glyph of improved judgments is the best DPS spec for pallies right now. divine strength is really the key becuase you will be stacking str. Because twinks stack stats so high you should always pay attention to any stat based talents (eg armored to the teeth for warriors).

one way I add utility to this spec is the hammer of justice glyph (improves range by 5 yds, really quite noticable and useful) If you use this glyph for a while and switch back you will be frustrated, which is how you know it is a good glyph.

To answer your question:

I find that I enjoy DPSing more than healing so I specced for DPS and I carry a couple variations of a healing set and FC set/kiting set. IF you enjoy healing more spec healing (maybe glyph healing) and carry a DPS set.

I don't want to get into too much theorycrafting but a 0/0/10 arrangement would be a great offensive DPS spec and drastically improve the dps of the raid group with the 3% crit debuff (if you can land it on the FC).

whatever the case know that you should be able to switch sets out to fill a role.

Just remember a good utility player will not be selfish and buff others more than himself.

PS. Make yourself a target! get a good armored kiting set with alot of stam. I have kited 3-4 hunters and maybe a rogue all at once to a remote corner while my teams FC made it safely right up the middle. people don't pay attention they just want to kill something!
Xsnout said:
Now that 3.2 has hit, what role do you guys feel is best for a 19 paladin (healer, dps, hybrid heals/dps, etc.)? Seems that FCing is out to me. And, given your opinion for the role of a pally, what spec(s) do you suggest?

The best roll for the Paladin currently is holding that flag at your base. Not fcing the flag there either. Other than that chose another class if you want to heal, dps, or hybrid heals/dps.
^what? a good paladin (not all) can actually do pretty decent dps
can someone put together a healing pally gear-set/spec/glyphs? It seems like an interesting role (even though you only have one heal), since you'll have a lot of armor/stam. The only thing i question is the one, slow heal. Against a rogue or a shaman, you're pretty much locked down, amirite?
and two massive heals called LoH, use it on a hunter or rogue early to press your offense forward.

I'll put a good healing set together
Omgimarogue said:
can someone put together a healing pally gear-set/spec/glyphs? It seems like an interesting role (even though you only have one heal), since you'll have a lot of armor/stam. The only thing i question is the one, slow heal. Against a rogue or a shaman, you're pretty much locked down, amirite?

A great pally healer from vengeance:


Not quite complete yet but the set works out very well.
Omgimarogue said:
can someone put together a healing pally gear-set/spec/glyphs? It seems like an interesting role (even though you only have one heal), since you'll have a lot of armor/stam. The only thing i question is the one, slow heal. Against a rogue or a shaman, you're pretty much locked down, amirite?


I switch between my Butchers +22int (I choose it over my foresters axe 2int 2stam because of the added dps) then i switch to Butchers +30sp then i would switch to the Nightwatch Shortsword +20spirit and Forest Bucklers +4mp5.

I have another gearset il load up later.

Still working on Fishing Hat and gonna up mining and herb to 225 Now no more xp.

Tbh thats my armor/int set but pallys dont need to stack mana high because they are extremley mana efficent and shoulda always rebuff there 10mp5 when dispelled and also Burstcast and use wisdom on target but dont keep reputting on because will restart spirit regen. I usually roll in a spell power/crit gear rolling on like 1.3k mana and stacking armor where possible. Because i can finish arenas with 9k healing and still be at like 3/4 mana. But i noticed someone wanting int/armor gear. So il post up the gear i roll about in 70% of the time in a sec. The best gear to rollin wsg is full balance imo, i can get about 1.8k mana and 60sp with no BoA, and its great for wsg when theres multiple targets.

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