19 mop beta video thread

hopefully other people will contribute..

19 monk healing vs rogue damage, no kick, just to test damage and healing. would have died in a single kick :(

beta monk vs rogue - YouTube

first duel on mop beta, didnt know what to expect. didnt expect that though.
rogue damage - YouTube

my monks awesome gear :(


will upload more if anyone else wants to do stuff on beta.

unfortunately i didnt fraps me critting him for 500 twice as a healer. =(

if monk damage at 19 doesnt change i think healer monks will be pretty strong because endless heals and retarded damage sounds like fun!

pm me your skype or aim if you want to do stuff on beta..
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that heal heals more than i expected :S Too bad my pc wasnt able to handle the beta more than 10 minutes :D Maybe we can do some more in a few days!
How is Hemo compared to being combat?

i think sub is better slightly better. sinister strike hits harder hit for hit but sub gets a lot more dodge and crit. hemo also costs 30 energy vs sinister strikes 40

sub vs low lvl mobs

combat vs low lvl mobs

cbf to run to duskwood to fight higher level mobs

45% haste? Wut?

Nice videos, would really like if you could pretty much go through most of the main spells of each class, show em in action and render for a bit better quality :) GJ so far!
Would love to contribute material myself too, but don't have the beta.
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after playing my rogue on beta, i realized that its not just monks that are lacking scaling, its pretty much every class :(


i hope that this isnt intended
i show sub rogue in 1 video: Nazzr - MoP 19 rogue / Changes (BETA) - YouTube

rogue damage is fine. sub and combat are like complete the same speccs. just using sinister strike instead of hemo in combat :D i suppose combat for bigger white swings...

all classes do too much healing and damage atm.. so you cant really say anything about it. hope they scale the abilities down
i can get on now if youre still on

and i dont think current damage means anything. theres no way current damage will go live :/

I could get on if you want to do some testing against paladin, priest, druid or shaman. Got a lock and lifestealing scrolls (in case u still need them) on alliance aswell.

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