19 Hunter Pets - Advice?

Hi guys,

What is your favorite 19 pet and why?

I am currently running with a Spider for the CC, I have also tried a Serpent and a Carrion Bird. So far I find the Spider the best 19 pet I have had.

I just WSG, I don't arena.

I am also interested in trying both a Hyena for CC and a wolf for DPS.

Your thoughts?
Any good priest will dispel the spider trap, as it is a magic debuff.

My favorites have always been the Hyena when fighting melee classes and the Ravager when fighting caster classes. That interrupt is SO helpful (or hurtful, when you're the caster...)
If you're premading, you need speed debuffs that arent dispelable. If i were a hunter on FC i'd use a hyena because they can apply their snare 3 times in a minute as opposed to a stun once a minute.

Stuns have their place too however, so play with both and get a feel for which you like better.

One thing I have noticed about the Ravager is that stun is much longer than stated, it says 2 seconds, but when I get him with it, my charicter actually falls down and has to stand back up, takes 4-5 seconds and seems even better than the web, just that the web shoots is the bonus.

Is the wolves DPS and its bonus to me really that much more DPS at 19 that I should consider dropping my CC?
Thew123 said:
Is the wolves DPS and its bonus to me really that much more DPS at 19 that I should consider dropping my CC?


Personally, I find the Hyena and the Ravager most useful. Webs get dispelled when I need them most. I love the hyena in most situations except for when a Warrior gets a charge on me. It's nice to have them completely stopped by my pet, allowing me to wingclip and get out of melee range. Tendon rip just doesn't cut it in this situation.
Furious Howl gives u 43 ap for 20 sec, 40 sec cooldown. i think its nice :D as u are an orc, u can hit enormous amounts of ap when u need to nuke someone. i would take a wolf also - u can have many pets ^^
it depends on who you're playing with. as an orc you're the kind of hunter made to blow people up, wolves help that. if you're running with a warrior/mage or another hunter with a cc pet use a wolf.
At 19 and 29 I do use a wolf for the added attack power. Most of the time my 19 Troll is at the top of the damage charts and I have no complaints in that category.

At 49 I do use a Ravager because if I don't knock casters and approaching melee classes on their ass, I will die. This is one reason why I don't hesitate to recommend them.

Note that if you want a Ravager for 19 on Horde side you need to get to the Draenei starting zone and train them up a few levels (I believe they are Level 15). It sounds like the pet will continue to gain experience in next patch up to the hunter's level, so we may see a lot more Ravagers and Owls on Horde side.
I'm an orc hunter. I'm normally on defense. I use a ravager. I wouldn't use another pet. That stun is BRUTAL. Stun + Racial + Arcane Shot and someone is crying.

I don't get to premade at all though, so take that for what you will. My Battlegroup is loaded with 19's so it's normally not "terrible" to just join up. I have also started building an FC set as sometimes when I pug I"m the only one with an idea on how to run a flag. The few flags that I have run, the Ravager has been an AWESOME pet for the journey. He takes one pursuer out of the equation.
Hey Thew, just thought I'd pop in and tell you what works for me =]

I very much prefer the classic spider for PuGing WSG, it has more DPS (maybe because my spider is 19 and my hyena is 18 o_O), and the web is great, because 99% of PuG priests dont know how to dispell =P.

If you are premading, duelling, or arena-ing, however, the Hyena clearly comes out on top. The 6 second slow every 20 seconds is just plain amazing. Fighting a rogue now becomes much easier, seeing as how you can completely neutralize his sprint at the start, and then work from there.

The next path will make it even more amazing, if you macro the slow to Aspect of the Cheetah, allowing you to easily catch and kill any FC.

So if you ever are rolling with us if we actually find another guild to do a premade, bring a hyena, but any PuGs you decide to do, stick with your spider.
If you arena as a hunter.. ravagers are the best hands down. They make healer teams break down, and they help get rid of the two man DPS burst.. and if a two man DPS cant burst one person down quickly.. they will likely die.
Their stamina is based off of your stamina, my pet has about.. say.. 1.5k - 1.8k hp when im completely buffed

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