19 Feral Druid

Feral druid...are they a good twink i dont really see any feral druids mostly healers was just wondering if i should make a feral druid...:)
i lol'd ^^

and I guess if by feral you mean stam stacked druids in travel/bear form then yes, there are actually quite alot. If by feral you mean dps, then no. Bear dps isn't good, and kitty isn't available till 20 so... not really something you see people trying to pull.
yea sry didnt mention that i wanted to carry flag :p

What would be a good setup for flag runner?
You may like running flags, but you sure won't be capping too many with a feral spec.
in the least if you are making a druid go resto and get both sets of gear; going feral doesnt really specially enable you to be a better flag runner than others, just the gear. get stam stacked gear and a healing set.
Feral druids or DPS druids are not viable at level 19. The only viable options are healing or FCing. Some will see boomkin is viable, however it's not if you want to dps with spells roll warlock.
I just want to stamina stack for flag running. I said feral for Thick Hide. Im not sure if im specing rong but thats what my friend told me to do..
i will have to look out in the BGs so i can get you a name. i have seen some FC druids go to change out sets to fight in bear...RARE, but it happens.

one NE druid i saw does this (name????). his fighting gear set is the full fang set, BoA rogue shoulders, 3 str/3stam mace with +15 str ench, furblog medicine bag...most of the time. i have also see him use the new BoA 2H mace (name????), the one with a gear cog at the end. it has AP, stam, etc. when in trouble he fights bear form and does surprizingly well rather than taking continued hits from behind trying to run away. where i have seen other druid usually give up.

some players at the start of a BG will roll their equip mod configs, i see some odd gear configs when i inspect players at times.

maybe he is on this forum and will speak up....and at the same time won't get flamed either
Tbh its not needed to spec into feral. Most Fcs spec into Nature. I.e less mana cost for shapeshift and instant rage when form change. The armour contribution is nice but not needed to fc.

Fcing is boring as hell. I suggest getting both Fc and healing gear so you can at least have a laugh
Eliot said:
Feral druids or DPS druids are not viable at level 19. The only viable options are healing or FCing. Some will see boomkin is viable, however it's not if you want to dps with spells roll warlock.

Hmmmm. Tbh, a druid should never loose to a warlock 1v1 if they are any good.

A boomkin*(Edit, A balance druid in gear and spec)* druid can be very defensive too. just need to know how to play.

I might plan on comming back to ruin. Gotta prove some kid wrong.

Look forward to playing with all of you soon enough in premades.
Any feral spec is pretty fail for anything. FCs should be speccing full resto for furor, natural shapeshifter and either imp motw or natures focus.

When gearing a FC druid stack stam whereever possible, where you cant get stam go for int and where you cant go for int go for agi. This will get you a fair set up. Alternatively you could go look at the 19 druid guide for all my opinions ;)

A proper feral drood who wants to dps should stack stam and haste imo with as thrown in elsewhere. Its fail tho and only for lols (Edit: ) and a resto spec tends to work best imo for furor and naturalist, although ferorcity looks tasty for moar mauls, but tbh it havent checked the dmg ratios.

Druids can wrathkin, i swear!!!
Kore nametooshort said:
Any feral spec is pretty fail for anything. FCs should be speccing full resto for furor, natural shapeshifter and either imp motw or natures focus.

When gearing a FC druid stack stam whereever possible, where you cant get stam go for int and where you cant go for int go for agi. This will get you a fair set up. Alternatively you could go look at the 19 druid guide for all my opinions ;)

A proper feral drood who wants to dps should stack stam and haste imo with as thrown in elsewhere. Its fail tho and only for lols (Edit: ) and a resto spec tends to work best imo for furor and naturalist, although ferorcity looks tasty for moar mauls, but tbh it havent checked the dmg ratios.

Druids can wrathkin, i swear!!!

Umm when gearing a fc, dont pick 1-3 stam over another stat that you can get 3+ from. Lets take the [item]Thick Bronze Necklace[/item] for example. Its 3 stamina yes. Best in slot for stamina but, [item]Scout's Medallion[/item] or w/e gives 2 stamina(-1 stam from thick bronze) but u get 6 agi for bear form which is a fair amount of armor. And if yoiu know how to play you will back strafe and dodge and mitigate ALL DAMAGE that would have been done to you. Not just take it knowing you stacked stamina and can take some more hits. Better reduce all damage than have a couple more take able hits.

As for glove enchants get 15 agi for the more armor/dodge. Its a personal reference to choose +15 agi, its more for solo/premades. Pugs are usually 16 sp because you have to heal yoursel ect.

Dont stack complete stamina because.

[item]Grizzled Boots[/item] ok its BIS for stam.

But if your using this you have no common sence.

[item]Footpads of the Fang[/item] gives you <1 stamina but more 6 more agi the same as the thick bronze neckalace situation. Yes stam and int are important but dont throw away 12 agi for what 3 stam in bear form? and dont forget all the armor you "could" get in bear form from the Agi. Not a huge amount but a good couple percent maby.
nobody said:
Umm when gearing a fc, dont pick 1-3 stam over another stat that you can get 3+ from. Lets take the thick bronze neckalace for example. Its 3 stamina yes. Best in slot for stamina but, The scouts medalian or w/e gives 2 stamina(-1 stam from thick bronze) but u get 6 agi for bear form which is a fair amount of armor. And if yoiu know how to play you will back strafe and dodge and mitigate ALL DAMAGE that would have been done to you. Not just take it knowing you stacked stamina and can take some more hits. Better reduce all damage than have a couple more take able hits.

As for glove enchants get 15 agi for the more armor/dodge.

Dont stack complete stamina because.

[item]Grizzled Boots[/item] ok its BIS for stam.

But if your using this you have no common sence.

[item]Footpads of the Fang[/item] gives you <1 stamina but more 6 more agi the same as the thick bronze neckalace situation. Yes stam and int are important but dont throw away 12 agi for what 3 stam in bear form? and dont forget all the armor you "could" get in bear form from the Agi. Not a huge amount but a good couple percent maby.

I am completely aware of this, thats why i said a "fair" FC set and refered him to the 19 druid guide for better setup.
Kore nametooshort said:
I am completely aware of this, thats why i said a "fair" FC set and refered him to the 19 druid guide for better setup.

Yes. For a starter guide but im just saying, Like in other stats besides stam which is so *greatly important* because in my fc set, i broke 2k hp self buffed *Motw/thorns* and with rumsy i could get to like 2.6k in bear.

Yes stam is important but i lost 30 hp in bear form for 12 agility.

That would be like 1-3% dodge in bear form and some fair armor. So yes im aware your helping him with main starting fc gear. Once someone learns the skill of flag carrying then they switch to other gear. Not just taking a hit here and there, avoiding hits all together. Good coordination is the key.

Hope i helped and ty kore for getting me back on fourms /rawr:eek:
nobody said:
Yes. For a starter guide but im just saying, Like in other stats besides stam which is so *greatly important* because in my fc set, i broke 2k hp self buffed *Motw/thorns* and with rumsy i could get to like 2.6k in bear.

Yes stam is important but i lost 30 hp in bear form for 12 agility.

That would be like 1-3% dodge in bear form and some fair armor. So yes im aware your helping him with main starting fc gear. Once someone learns the skill of flag carrying then they switch to other gear. Not just taking a hit here and there, avoiding hits all together. Good coordination is the key.

Hope i helped and ty kore for getting me back on fourms /rawr:eek:

I wasnt disputing anything you were saying ;) i just cba to write it all out here when i wrote it at lenght in a different section ^^ WSG neck and fang are among the exceptions to me stam>int>agi rule :)

and youre welcome?! what did i do?
I will make sure i check out that guide i will update on the druid when its done :)

thanks for the help guys

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