19 Feral Druid - Ceec, Draenor

Since you already have the BoA helm, I would suggest switching to the PvP shoulders for extra Resil and Stamina because you do not need to go over hitcap as a feral druid. Another thing, but this is more of a personal preference, is that you should probably switch to Gloves of the Fang. Only if you're not lazy enough to stay behind your target which wouldn't be too difficult with a slowing effect and 30% increased movement speed. Nothing wrong with keeping Foreman's though, that's what I use on mine.

Other then that your gear is top notch. So I'd give you a 9.5/10. :)

Oh and something I would probably take note of - next patch strength for druids is going to be nerfed, so I would suggest getting a pair of BWB with 9 stamina on them. It's all up to you though if you'd still want the 9 AP the strength will offer.


threesets said:
in 4.2 strength is worthless for druid,s only 1 ap per strength, so may wantto change soon

Why would he change before the change? Changing takes about 2 minutes.
If you're overhit capped, change a BoA piece to a hunter BoA piece cuz <40 it changes to leather so u can wear it and get more crit rating.
Lyconis said:
If you're overhit capped, change a BoA piece to a hunter BoA piece cuz <40 it changes to leather so u can wear it and get more crit rating.
Nope even 1-39 you cant wear the "hunter" BoAs as a rogue/druid.
Lyconis said:
If you're overhit capped, change a BoA piece to a hunter BoA piece cuz <40 it changes to leather so u can wear it and get more crit rating.

Like I said in my post, switch to the BoA leather pvp shoulders. Problem solved.

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