19 Druid

Hello, with the new patch, i might want to roll a druid (i know its bad, but whatever) .

I don't have any 19 twinks, i only have 3 39 twink so i want to know how are the druid at 19? Can they heal well? What is the best spec (i don't want to fc)?

Thank you,

They are already the most mobile healers in the 10-19 bracket since they can shift out of slows. Now they will be godly battle healers. I think they will be even more of a pain in this bracket than they were in TBC Arena. :D

Here is a video of a pre-WOTLK twink Druid healer just to give you an idea of the playstyle at this bracket.


For what it's worth it's the most fun healing class I have played at 19 and I've played all of the healing classes at 19 except my shammies.

Druid healers can be so annoying with a good player behind them.
Takes good movement and keybinding sey-ups. The problem with druid healers is that they're suseptable damage even with bear form. You gatta constantly be on your toes and be good at kiting or a good rogue/hunter will rip you a new one o_O
In the posted video above, it shows the druid with no real treats. He didn't use natures grasp once and was click targeting all his targets o_O.
DragonSD said:
In the posted video above, it shows the druid with no real treats. He didn't use natures grasp once and was click targeting all his targets o_O.

Yet he was able to keep his teammates and himself healed even with constant pressure on him most of the time.

Ieshia said:
Lol thats what a good healer is meant to be able to do, even under pressure.

I agree, but nothing matches the mobility of a Druid healer, especially now.

Their options are huge at this level: A stun (2 stuns for Horde), 2 roots, the ability to shift out of movement impairing effects, and soon travel form. I'd say they will be looking down from the top of the pile for a while to come.
DragonSD said:
In the posted video above, it shows the druid with no real treats. He didn't use natures grasp once and was click targeting all his targets o_O.

Whats wrong with clicking your targets? I choose it over tabbing :3
Druids are the best offensive healers in the bracket. You will be most effective with 5/5 in Naturalist and the Glyph of Healing Touch. Stack stamina and intellect, everything else is just frosting on the cake.

Most people will want you to carry the flag, but your main role will be rooting players (most importantly rogues). Keeping meleers off of your hunters can make a crappy team win.

My 2 cents.
I agree with Dietz. Ive found though that Druids are not that mana effeicent as Priests with their heals, so I like to stack alot of Intell on, along with a shit load of SP to make a good Druid healer.

Like others have said as well as healing, as a non FC druid you are expected to root and kite meleers on the opposite team. Most times it is even essential for your own survival.

Personally I like healing as a Druid better than FC, but when you are in a group (especially after 3.2) chances are EVERYONE will want you to FC.
Dietz said:
Druids are the best offensive healers in the bracket.

Surelyy Shamans are the best offensive healers? Purge + shock = pewpew, both instant which means they are fairly mobile in their offensive abilities. Ok so they lacck any instant healing but at the end of the day they are still the best offensive healers.

They can purge druid HoTs and wind shock + war stomp healing touch, and still pump out a steady amount of damage with melee+flametongue+lightning shield making them an easy counter for druids, even when travel form comes cus shamans will have their ghost wolf as well.

Maybe im a bit biased cus i play a shaman but its just my 2 cents. Sorry if it sounds kinda like a flame :p
I still believe that priest are better healers.

If your skilled enough u will never die, whereas i believe that Druid's have a bigger chance of dying. I admit the roots for druids are good. However priests can still keep up an FC's hp easy enough.

Ive got both a Priest and a Druid and i prefer the Priest by far. But thats just my opinion :)

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