19 Druid FC Looking for a Realm


The Druid
19 Druid FC Twink (US)

Hey, I'm trying to get a job, and hoping to get one very soon (probably going to have to work at Kroger), so once I manage one, I'm going to start paying for wow again.

Ever since my account has been off, I've been getting more and more into 19 twinking then I have ever been, and have decided to retire as LevelOneTwinksUSA guild master, and persue my dream to 19 twink as an FC druid.

So I am looking for a decent realm that may need Alliance/Horde FC, (I know jumps for both).

I'm good at running away, so this shouldn't be a problem.

I've been also practicing my jumps on private servers to keep my head in the game, and I think I'll be more then enough qualified to cap some flags.

I listen to the group, and watch my surroundings very closely, camera panning around rooms, taking shortcuts, and sharp corners, while timing my first aid and Lifeblood right to stay alive.

I wouldn't mind starting as a low rank FC and working my way up, and in fact I think it will be better, because I havn't played with decent 19 twinks for almost a year now.

I may have to start myself a new account, because I'm having a problem accessing my old one right now, so I will have to level another 80, which won't be a problem considering I have been leveling toons since preBC, and WotLK rates is cake to me. I should have BoA access within less then a month.

Please accept me as an FC on your realm :)
Twinkin said:
http://www.twinkinfo.com/forums/gui...2-h-we-smoke-rocks-recruiting-19s-arthas.html We'll take you here at <We Smoke Rocks> as a Bteam/sub premade FC if you would like. We wouldn't want you as A team yet because you said yourself you wouldn't want it and that I'm not sure how soon you will start playing again. GL on job, if I read it correctly. ;)

Sounds cool, had a warrior friend named "Themankiller" joined Arthas Alliancea little bit after the 10s BGs started. Idk where he plays now, lost connection back in December. =/
Yea we can fully fund you and you'll only miss 10 hp with no boa so that's fine for B team just contact us on Arthas. You'll have to be on a lot to get agm's though. :p
Twinkin said:
Yea we can fully fund you and you'll only miss 10 hp with no boa so that's fine for B team just contact us on Arthas. You'll have to be on a lot to get agm's though. :p

I'm on the computer from the time I wake up and eat my bowlz of cerealsz, to the time I'm asleep. =3 I can make it to premades.
Twinkin said:
Yea we can fully fund you and you'll only miss 10 hp with no boa so that's fine for B team just contact us on Arthas. You'll have to be on a lot to get agm's though. :p

I can join right now, using a trial that I'm going to pay for eventually. Any vent/teamspeak Skype, anything I can use to communicate?
I'm off comp for the night, just on my phone, or my ipod, try online and /who we smoke rocks people should be on talk to Nauty our Glead; he'll set you up. Anymore questions pm me or him here or him ingame probably. Vent Info is in guild info.
Twinkin said:
I'm off comp for the night, just on my phone, or my ipod, try online and /who we smoke rocks people should be on talk to Nauty our Glead; he'll set you up. Anymore questions pm me or him here or him ingame probably. Vent Info is in guild info.

Once again, I'm on a trial account. I can't whisper people unless I am in their friend's list, and can't join guilds. I will have it paid once the 10 days are up, I'm just not wasting 10 free days :p
Yeah, sounds good. When you get your subscription paid just contact someone in the guild. They should be able to set you up.
Phantom said:
Yeah, sounds good. When you get your subscription paid just contact someone in the guild. They should be able to set you up.

Mk, I'm actually on right now getting my fishing up. Level 7.
Haha. I assume you're level 19 already? Or just level fishing soon. You can do a TON in 10 day trial. Sorry I was being supid forgot you can whisper/ join guilds on trial. ^_^. anyways you should level your proffs do some dungeons etc you prop know what ur doing. Glad to see you jointing the guild. ;)
Yes we'll get that. Basically fully fund. Oh I just relised what happened to your old account??
5 stm wranglers are going to be a huge investment of time lol, 4/4 eagles are not all that difficult to find. Funding might be a little slow in the next week though, since I'll be out of town.

BTW twinkin, spend more time playing WSG with me and less time trolling TI, haha.
Twinkin said:
Yes we'll get that. Basically fully fund. Oh I just relised what happened to your old account??

One day 2 months ago, I was just raiding on my 60 twink pally when all of a sudden I got d/c. Coudln't log back in. Checked my email, Blizz temporarily turned it off because someone tried to hack it. I was like, "okay np, atleast they turned it off". So I go to change the pass and turn it back on, turns out you gotta mail them a fax, call them and all this other shit... so I did all this stuff, stil didn't get account on. Tried calling blizz, their fast and speedy service answered the phone right away... not... took weeks before I could get a hold of them. Finally did. My dad's friend Mark from California was the one that told him about the new game "World of Warcraft" that was coming out 2004. Mark makes my dad an account and my dad pays it. Have to have the owner of the account verify the information change to get the account back on... but my dad can't get ahold of mark. =/

Long story short, until we can get ahold of this guy in California, account was turned off.

My dad finally got ahold of him, now we just have to pay it.

Right now my dad is going through this divorce with my step-mom, and hardly has enough money to pay for food right now. I'm staying at my mom's til he gets himself a new home, so I'm not going to force him to pay the WoW bill.

I fisgure I make my own account under my own name, we won't have these issues anymore.


Yes I know what I'm doing ^_^ I've done this before :p
We are supposed to be getting my old FC to play A-team for us (a transfer), but in the case that he can't, you might get an upgrade. So yeah, get on it. =)
Here are the times I play (server time) stopp qqing cuz I'm always on and ur not k there lol. 6 pm-12pm. Times I'm on TI 6 pm- 3/4 am.
You fish with everyone else. We'll set up an AGM order soon.

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