19 BG's are popping on WOW Classic.


We are getting warsong gulch pops again and I'm here for it. It's been going on roughly since Cata came out. I hope more people will come back and join us. The games are pretty competitive. At the moment it seems like there's slightly more players on Horde side.
Everyone who loved Wrath but hates Cata, this is your new home. We are on the Whitemane cluster. I'd be willing to help out anyone with quests and maybe some gear on the Horde side. Be warned AH prices are getting kind of ridiculous on horde side. Warrior gear is still relatively cheap though.
Hope to see more people joining soon. Haven't had this much fun doing BGs in a while.

- Maxpowa Rogue (Warlords of Warsong)
- Fëanør Shaman (Warlords of Warsong)
Wpvp has been good for years on whitemane 19-39
That's what I heard. But I'm more excited about getting warsong gulch pops again. I just transferred the only character I had left on classic, a 19 rogue over to Whitemane from Herod after Cata was released. Herod was completely dead. Not even 1 thing in the auction house, it's like a ghost town.

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