EU+US 110 twinks whats the best legendaries for Boomkins?


i have decent geared 110 druid and was wonder what are you finding as the top leggos for you all?
The ones that make you go boom! No, but seriously I've no idea what the best ones are because, during Legion, I had the shoulders which were the BiS for Boomkin, then BFA came out and it changed everything. Replaced those shoulders so quick because they just weren't worth it anymore.
I like the bracers with weakauras imports and the fel ring for fast bursts

pretty sure those two together are bis
It depends on the purpose that you want to use them for, as well as having the right azerite traits to synergize.
If you have 3x Power of the Moon trait, you will want to get the cloak for guardian druids, which will give you another 30% boost to your moonfire damage + incredible selfheal, if there are more than two mobs its even worth sacrificing the shoulder azerite slot for the third initial moonfire from LatC , for one targets two targets imo sephuz+cloak is a good choice. The only downside of this build is that you have to stay in bearform and spam one button 95% of the time, but you can solo all queueable content + some legion raid encounters, in EN the only fight not doable this way is ursoc.
For World PVP and Singletarget Raidfights the above is the worst you can do though, for World PvP the Boots are great because they provide both a damage boost and good selfheal, Id also combine them either with sephuz for the instant proc or IFE for more uptime on your burst.
For Raidfights in Singletarget IFE might also be really good especially if you use 3x Streakling Stars, I used Sephuz + IFE last time since it gave me the highest haste of all possible legy combos, but the boots are also still really good.
The bracers are actually a rather weak legendary right now, they were BiS in many builds in legion but now we usually dont use the Stellar Drift Talent + we also lost Stellarempowerments.

Keep in mind that this will probably completely change in 8.1, our moonfirespam trait will be gone and without it the selfheal from the cloak greatly diminishes and the shoulders will also loose there value.
Mastery and with it our Singletarget damage will be buffed tho, so statwise IFE will gain even more value and Oneths might also be good once again.
It might even be possible that our starsurge with the trait that buffs its damage after every solar wrath + the 2-set bonus is so strong that we will use ED over a Azerite Headpiece for pure Singletarget, I tested with only one of the traits and my Starsurge Crits for over 20k on the PTR.
In regards to BGs and arenas, there are no BIS legendaries because they don’t work in BGs and arenas. You typically just want to go with the legendaries that will replace your lowest ilvl items/with your desired stats.
What WA did you all use in Legion and BFA to track buff and leggos for WPVP and dungeons and IE. Any help is welcomed!!

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