11 second sprint! (37.5% increase)

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edit: 170%*8 seconds = 13.6 is your normal sprint distance

with this trick and glyph of sprint, we are looking at 200%*11 seconds = 22

22/13.6=1.62 so combined they give you 62% more sprint distance when you are out of combat.

what you need: Marshal's Leather Footguards or General's Leather Treads enchanted with Enchant Boots - Greater Fortitude

2 macros.

macro1 is a script/one-time-macro that is run just once when you sign on.

macro2 is your new sprint, it replaces your old sprint.

macro1 (change 32366 to whatever your normal boot's item id is)

/run local i,f="32366",ReQ or CreateFrame("Frame","ReQ") f:Hide() f:SetScript("OnEvent",f.Show) f:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_EQUIPMENT_CHANGED") f:SetScript("OnUpdate",function(s,e) f:Hide() if not IsEquippedItem(i) then EquipItemByName(i) end end)

macro2 (change to General's Leather Treads if you are horde).

/equip Marshal's Leather Footguards
/cast sprint

the result:
if you are out of combat, you get an 11 second sprint, and your normal boots is put right back on automatically, therefore, you have nothing to lose.

if you are in combat or in arena, sprint is cast as usual.
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modified the OP to simplify the macros.
i am surprised that this thread got so little attention:

1, do 70 rogues nowadays not run flag?

engineering+ Elusiveness + resil stacking + Burst of Speed + Glyph of Feint + etc = good flag runner

2, that extra 3 second could mean the difference between victory and loss in some intense WSG's.
i am surprised that this thread got so little attention:

1, do 70 rogues nowadays not run flag?

engineering+ Elusiveness + resil stacking + Burst of Speed + Glyph of Feint + etc = good flag runner

2, that extra 3 second could mean the difference between victory and loss in some intense WSG's.

Why engineering? If you are refering to using the rocket speed tinker thing while fcing i laugh at your noobiness. It makes you drop flag. Useless.
Why engineering? If you are refering to using the rocket speed tinker thing while fcing i laugh at your noobiness. It makes you drop flag. Useless.

parachute and spinal.
i have a feeling that this trick made blizzard change the CD of sprint back to 3 min on PTR. :(
gz on mvp :33
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