100k Honorable Kills on my level 10


Iya, wanted to share an achievement I've been working on all month :)

Was definitely one of the easier grinds but cool nonetheless, I'm hoping to get 250k achievement in cata organically through battlegrounds so long as 10-14s is popping!
Killing your level 6 characters in graveyard is not a flex :)

AcTUaLly i think ull find she was level 5??!!!! :HYPERKEKW:

No, it's not. But doing this consistently for the 30-35 hours it takes to grind them out sure makes it feel like one :FrogeTorch:

edit: did u at least watch til the end u got a mention Sal ur famous now !!!
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Mans a tad frustrated but that's ok y'all, we all deal with grief differently.

In the meantime, graveyard farming levelers til they quit, using scripts or macros to jump and queue dodging/jumping sides to feel like MVPs is totes legit HeyGuys

I'll stick to how I enjoy to play and continuing having fun regardless, stay petty x
No thanks, This way honorable kills will have no value in the game.
There is a huge difference between achievement hunting and honorable kill hunting.
It does wsgclassic a dirty, devalues his legit title. no shade just saying. Cause now anyone that see this might second think his legit title thinking he may of farmed level 16s instead of his WSG battleground HK's
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It does wsgclassic a dirty, devalues his legit title. no shade just saying. Cause now anyone that see this might second think his legit title thinking he may of farmed level 16s instead of his WSG battleground HK's
I think it would devalue the title if EVERYONE had it. Yes farming Hks is easy outside of WSG, but it still needs to be done, and its a mind-numbingly boring grind. Regardless, this method of farming Hks won't work anymore once Cata classic releases.
I think it would devalue the title if EVERYONE had it. Yes farming Hks is easy outside of WSG, but it still needs to be done, and its a mind-numbingly boring grind. Regardless, this method of farming Hks won't work anymore once Cata classic releases.

For the record (cuz i couldn't see vep's reply) i would like to educate the 19s here a bit

it is not POSSIBLE to farm level 15-16s using this method. It has been tried and tested (by some of you 19s commenting no less *no shade*).

The only bracket this effects is 10-14s, and since no 19s have rerolled 14s to get butt hurt for real yet we are only effecting active 10s (oh wait thats us!!)

wsgclassics EU of the horde hero also got a mention!
I think it would devalue the title if EVERYONE had it. Yes farming Hks is easy outside of WSG, but it still needs to be done, and its a mind-numbingly boring grind. Regardless, this method of farming Hks won't work anymore once Cata classic releases.
he didnt "slaving away farming level 6's" which so tiresome -.- . He obtained 100k hks by focusing flags every game in warsong gulch. this is completely different and your arugment is disingenuious.
he didnt "slaving away farming level 6's" which so tiresome -.- . He obtained 100k hks by focusing flags every game in warsong gulch. this is completely different and your arugment is disingenuious.
Props to them! Sadly at the end of the day an Hk is an Hk.
he didnt "slaving away farming level 6's" which so tiresome -.- . He obtained 100k hks by focusing flags every game in warsong gulch. this is completely different and your arugment is disingenuious.
Describing wsgclassic and his gameplay having anything to do with focusing "flags" is a crime against humanity. His pet alone is responsible for 50k and as we all know it lives a life of its own.
Man plays warsong with a wheel and some pedals, guy attacks anything in front of him and hes been the same since day 1 classic.
as far as the lvl 10s cheating by killing accounts at gy or w/e its the usual stuff from ze Achievement frogs
as far as the lvl 10s cheating by killing accounts at gy or w/e its the usual stuff from ze Achievement frogs

its true we achievement whoarders are absolute cretins, so long as we get our dopamine grats in chat and see our little number go up a little more we vibin xx

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