EU+US 10 or 19?


You choose,
Use the template below:

1. Why is it better (World PVP)

2. Which one has the most advantages in World PVP

3. Why is it better (BG's)

4. Which has the most advantages in BG's

5. Conclusion (write the conclusion informational and not like a 12 yr old)
19s, more spells, access to talents. 10s have 0 benefit in the bracket. Play a 10 if you like, but do us all a favor and dont queue WsG on your level 10.
I'm just going to put it short: there's NO reason to make a level 10 over a level 19 for BG reasons. Level 10's put their team at a detriment, because you are weaker than a level 19 version of your race/class, you got less spells, talents, limited access to gear, and in the end you are scaled to level 19 anyways, but with level 10 spells and gear, there's absolutely no reason to do so.

If you are playing 10's in battlegrounds you are not getting the most out of your character.
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World PvP: 10 > 19 (due to stat scaling)
Battlegrounds: 19 > 10 (due to decreased stat scaling, # of abilities, # of talents, BiS gear, etc.)

You can play 10's just fine in world PvP, as mentioned before, the stat scaling on a low lvl toon outside of BG/Arena environment is pretty beast.

However, when it comes to a BG/Arena environment you want to be 19 for sure, as also mentioned earlier, due to having a broader selection of gear and BiS options, more spells and talent choices. There is simply no reason to play a lvl 10 in these two scenarios.

HF tinkering.
If you want to be a pain in the arse for your team - If you want to play level 10, don't enter our battlegrounds, might as well level the last 9 levels and have more fun with the rest of us.
1. Why is it better (World PVP)?

A level 19 would do better in world PvP than a level 10. That being said, a level 100 would do better in world PvP than a 19 or any level twink. The reason players choose to world PvP on a toon below max level is because that lower level toon appeals to you for whatever reason. I would play whatever level appeals to you most.

2. Which one has the most advantages in World PVP?

A 19 would have an advantage in world PvP over a 10. That's a fact.

3. Why is it better (BG's)? & 4. Which has the most advantages in BG's?

A 19 would be better in BGs due to it having more spells and gear choices than a 10.

5. Conclusion (write the conclusion informational and not like a 12 yr old)

If you want to play the level that would be "better" in terms of strength and number of advantages, play a 19. If playing a 10 appeals to you, play a 10. Do whatever makes you happy.
why don't we all just get along.....

10s wpvp
19s bgs.

Anyone saying otherwise hasnt put in enough effort in those respective twinking levels to give an accurate answer.

Will this stop 10s from queueing wsg? of course not. I am queued atm.
why don't we all just get along.....

10s wpvp
19s bgs.

Anyone saying otherwise hasnt put in enough effort in those respective tinkering levels to give an accurate answer.

Will this stop 10s from queueing wsg? of course not. I am queued atm.
I don't think it's about getting along. It's more of an issue with 10s sacking the team they play with because they are so handicapped compared to 19s in terms of gear spells and talents.

So can we all stop circlejerking and just accept the fact and not the opinion.

and like Pizza said; play whatever makes you happy but don't expect others to respect your choice if you enter a BG as lvl 10
For Battlegrounds defentliy 19s better scale more spells more talents etc etc but for world pvp fun etc i would say u should play 10s but pls dont que wsg with em

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