[10] Beats on Fouteens (A) recruiting.

Welcome to Beats on Fourteens, we're located on medivh US and are alliance. We're currently recruiting all level 10 - 14 twinks.

We are currently seeing an influx of activity in the last 3-4 weeks and are aiming to conduct regular battlegrounds with the experience turned off.

for those of you who cannot afford to transfer your level 10 - 14 Twink, feel free to ask any member for a guild invite and we can hopefully provide everything you'll need (besides BoA) to have a suitable character for the bracket. multiple members even have their mains in the guild in order to make finding assistance easier for members.

Every time we have a new upcoming event in the 10-14 community i shall update below

if you'd like any information, assistance or to discuss any topic related to our guild / members please reply to this thread. see you in Azeroth!

every time we have a new upcoming event in the 10-14 community i shall update below.

Date of next 10 - 14 battleground event: Date / Time: To Be Announced
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damn i wish my lvl 10 rogue was on US realms
Would come over, but I dont wanna raise my reputation as a person who makes too many toons AGAIN :/
Free bump.

January 23rd next week I'll be organizing a PvE fight, depending on how many ppl we manage to get will determine what we fight. Dont be late guys!

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