10/11 Dragonflight Wargames & Basic PvP Guide

Should we limit teams to only 2 of the same class per team?

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Twink Community Facilitator
Yes, this is happening! 10/11 wargames incoming!
Join us in Discord for discussions about formation and theorycrafting.

Come back later when I have this filled out with stuff.
Update Timestamp Changes Often ❤️ - Working on Class Guides atm.

  • Rogue
  • Shaman
  • Warlock
  • Warrior

Love you all!

This thread is dedicated to 10/11 Wargames. No cheating of any kind will be tolerated inside of a Wargame.
Those who put themselves before the fun of the community will be warned about their attitude. Further drama will result in a ban from participation.


This Thread is a Work in Progress. Please be patient.
"Test" in a spoiler is a placeholder, return at a later time to see if it has been filled out.
"? Tier" in a spoiler is a placeholder for an eventual ranking.

Team Rules Will Develop As Needed To Maximize Fun.
  1. Either 1 Restoration Shaman or 1 Hunter Per team.
  2. Only 1 Arcane Mage Per Team.
  3. Only 1 Destruction Warlock Per Team.
  4. Only 1 Tank Per Team.
  5. Other Than the Restrictions Above, No More Than 2 Of The Same Specialization.
  6. Max 3 Healers Per Team.
  7. Add Your Thoughts In The Comments And Discord.
  8. Possible Rule Change After First Round Of WG: Priest Class/Specialization Limitation.
  9. Possible Rule Change After First Round Of WG: Only 2 Of Same Class (^Vote Above^)

Saturday and Sunday are most likely the best 2 days of the week for organized games.
We will pug to fill slots if need be. If you want to be a pug you don't have to feel obligated to find a team. ❤️
Always looking for more Captains who are willing to coordinate with their team and with the leaders of the opposing team.
Captains will use the Addon
WarGameHelper to coordinate formation with the enemy team. UNCLICK TOURNAMENT RULES, PLEASE.

Team 1, Captains: Graet & Emelia#11915​

Team 2, Captains: Deseret & Dry#1364​

  • Resto Druid (FC): Deseret

  • Healer 1: Looking for
  • Healer 2: Looking for
  • Healer 3: Looking for

Tanks take an additional 50% damage in pvp!
Here is a Spreadsheet of Racials made by @pokspell
Death Knight Team Role: Revolves around Death Grip for team fights. Death and Decay and Dark Command may be used as Stealth counters.
Death Knight has no Party Buff.

Tank Specializations Take 50% additional damage in PvP!
Blood, though better damage than Unholy, is very easily killed. Don't expect to see many Blood in pvp.

Recommended Level: 11.

Starting Talent: Deathstrike.

Level 10 Talent Options:
Chains of Ice, Anti-Magic Shell, or Raise Dead.

level 11 Unlocks:
Heart Strike and Blood Fortification.

Toolkit: Dark Command,
Death and Decay, Death Coil, Death Grip, Death Strike, Death's Advance, Lichborne, and Rune Strike.

Blood Shield.

CC & CC Break: Chain's of Ice, Death Grip, Death's Advance, and Lichborne.

Stat Priority: TBD.
Frost has access to Mind Freeze which is a 15 yard range interrupt on a 15 second cooldown.

Recommended Level: 11.

Starting Talent:
Chains of Ice.

Level 10 Talent Options:
Mind Freeze, Death Strike, or Raise Dead.

Level 11 Unlocks:
Frost Strike and Runic Empowerment.

Toolkit: Chain's of Ice, Death and Decay
, Death Coil, Death Grip, Death Strike, Death's Advance, Lichborne, and Rune Strike.

Mastery: Frozen Heart.

CC & CC Break: Chain's of Ice, Dark Command, Death Grip, Death's Advance, Mind Freeze, and Lichborne.

Stat Priority: TBD.
Unholy is the worst specialization for Death Knight in PvP.

Recommended Level: 11.

Starting Talent: Raise Dead. - Lasts until Killed.

level 10 Talent Options: Chains of Ice, Death Strike, or Cleaving Strikes-(Useless Talent, Do Not Take).

level 11 Unlocks: Festering Strike and Runic Corruption.

Toolkit: Chain's of Ice, Dark Command, Death and Decay, Death Coil, Death Grip, Death's Advance, Lichborne,
Raise Dead, and Rune Strike.

Mastery: Dreadblade.

CC & CC Break: Chain's of Ice, Death Grip, Death's Advance, and Lichborne.

Stat Priority: TBD.

Demon Hunter Team Role: Their gameplay will likely revolve around Flag Carrier (FC) responsibilities. High mobility will keep them out of range of slower classes. Sigil of Flame and Fel Rush, and Spectral Sight, and Torment can act as Stealth counters.
Demon Hunter
has no Party Buff.

Havoc has high mobility, further increased by Blazing Path.

Recommended Level: 11.

Starting Talent: Vengeful Retreat.

Level 10 Talent Options: Unrestrained Fury, Blazing Path, or Sigil of Flame.

Level 11 Unlock: Eye Beam.

Passives: Shattered Souls, Double Jump, and Glide.

Toolkit: Vengeful Retreat, Chaos Strike, Demon's Bite, Fel Rush, and Torment.

Mastery: Demonic Presence.

CC & CC Break:

Stat priority: TBD.
Tank Specializations Take 50% additional damage in PvP!
Leaping with Infernal Strike (2 chargers with Blazing Path) gives Vengeance a better escape compared to Havoc.

Recommended Level: 11.

Starting Talent: Sigil of Flame.

level 10 Talent Options: Vengeful Retreat, Blazing Path, or Shattered Restoration.

Level 11 Unlock: Fel Devastation.

Passives: Shattered Souls and Thick Skin.

Toolkit: Demon Spikes, Infernal Strike, Shear, Soul Cleave, and Torment.

Mastery: Fel Blood.

CC & CC Break: None.

Stat Priority: TBD.

Druid Team Roles: A versatile and mobile class with unique 4 approaches to pvp, descriptions for each specialization will be in their respective sections. All Druid Specializations come with 3 Class Talents (2 already locked in). Growl May be used as a way to keep a Rogue in combat for a Stealth Counter.
Druid's Party Buff is Mark of the Wild.
Balance has good kiting capability with Moonfire, Sunfire, and Starsurge as these abilities have no cast time.
Regrowth: 11
Rejuvenation: 27
Recommended Level: 11.

Starting Talents: Starfire and

Level 10 Talent Options: Sunfire, Rejuvenation, Frenzied Regeneration, or Rake.

Level 11 Unlock: Eclipse.

Passives: None.

Barkskin, Bear Form, Cat Form, Dash, Entangling Roots, Ferocious Bite, Growl, Mangle, Mark of the Wild, Moonfire, Regrowth, Shred, Starfire, Starsurge, Swipe, Travel Form, and Wrath.

Mastery: Astral Invocation.

CC & CC Break: Entangling Roots and all form shifting breaks movement Impairing effects.

Stat Priority: TBD.
Feral plays much like traditional bleed or burst damage rogue but without the Prowl (13). Additionally, they are able to pocket heal 11 Regrowth before OOM. Feral will be best played as a opportunist Melee Glass Cannon. Easily caught out of place this build is for Skilled Players only! Possible backup FC in a pinch.
Regrowth: 11
Rejuvenation: 27
Recommended Level: 11.

Starting Talents:
Rake and Rip.

Level 10 Talent Options: Maim, Thrash, Frenzied Regeneration, Rejuvenation, or Starfire.

Level 11 Unlock:
Tiger's Fury.


Barkskin, Bear Form, Cat Form, Dash, Entangling Roots, Ferocious Bite, Growl, Mangle, Mark of the Wild, Moonfire, Rake, Regrowth, Rip, Shred, Swipe, Travel Form, and Wrath.

Razor Claws.

CC & CC Break: Entangling Roots, Maim, and all Form shifting breaks movement impairing effects.

Stat Priority: Mastery, Versatility, Critical Strike, Haste.
Tank Specializations Take 50% additional damage in PvP!
Guardian is the only viable tank damage. Though a heavy hitter, Guardian will be easily killable in most 1v2+ matchups.
Regrowth: 11
Rejuvenation: 27
Recommended Level: 11.

Starting Talents:
Frenzied Regeneration and Thrash.

Level 10 Talent Options:
Rake, Rip, Improved Swipe, Improved Barkskin, Rejuvenation, or Starfire.

Level 11 Unlock:

Passive Unlock:
Ursine Adept.

Barkskin, Bear Form, Cat Form, Dash, Entangling Roots, Ferocious Bite, Frenzied Regeneration, Growl, Mangle, Mark of the Wild, Moonfire, Regrowth, Shred, Swipe, Thrash, Travel Form, and Wrath.

Nature's Guardian.

CC & CC Break: Entangling Roots and all form shifting breaks movement Impairing effects.

Stat Priority, Versatility, Mastery, Critical Strike, Haste.
Restoration will be the most useful of the Druid specializations. Acting as both a healer and the ideal Flag Carrier (FC). Nature's Cure will be a high priority cast.
Regrowth: 40
Rejuvenation: 112
Lifebloom: 233
Recommended Level: 11.

Starting Talents:
Rejuvenation and Swiftmend.

level 10 Talent Options:
Rake, Frenzied Regeneration, Improved Barkskin, Wild Growth, Improved Nature's Cure, or Starfire.

Level 11 Unlock:


Barkskin, Bear Form, Cat Form, Dash, Entangling Roots, Ferocious Bite, Growl, Mangle, Mark of the Wild, Moonfire, Nature's Cure, Regrowth, Rejuvenation, Shred, Swiftmend, Swipe, Thrash, Travel Form, and Wrath.

Mastery: Harmony.

CC & CC Break: Entangling Roots and all form shifting breaks movement Impairing effects.

Stat Priority: TBD.

Hunter Team Roles: A great damage dealer with an interesting approach to pet utility, see this Link for all the Hunter Pet ability combos. It is advised that a Tank Pet is chosen for Fortitude of the Bear. Feign Death can fool people into thinking you died, this also drops a pets agro on you. Pet Growl, Hunter's Mark, and Freezing Trap may be used as a Stealth counter. Every Hunter Should be using a Mortal Strike pet.
Hunter has no Party Buff.


Beast Master Pet Abilities:
Dune Strider: Passive 30% move speed - Aqiri

Calcified Carapace: 1 physical damage reduced. - Carapid

Shimmering Shale: 1 magic damage reduced. - Shale Beast

Blood of the Rhino: 10% additional armor and increases the effectiveness of healing received by 20%. - Clefthoof

Eternal Guardian: Pet self resurrection - Guardian of the Elders, Lei-zhi, and Charged Sentinel - Stone Hound

: HoT and focus regeneration for pet - Devilsaurs

Pet Abilities:
Attack: (Macro "/petattack" into your abilities to send pet to attack your target.)

Claw (Macro "/cast Claw(Basic Attack)" into your abilities to have your pet use this ability a little bit faster.)

Dash (Macro "/cast Dash(Basic Ability)" into your abilities if you want your pet to close the gap faster.)

Endurance Training - Tank Pets.

Fortitude of the Bear - Tank Pets.

Pathfinding - Cunning Pet Passive.

Predator's Thirst - Ferocity Pet Passive.

Growl - Use this to taunt Rogue to maintain combat as a means of Stealth prevention.
Beast Mastery is the weakest of the 3 Hunter specializations. Steady Shot doesn't give resource, but buys time for Focus regeneration. The 11 Talent will change Steady Shot into Cobra Shot (Once chosen you cannot unlearn Cobra Shot). This build will revolve around kiting and CC rather than being massive burst damage.

Recommended Level: 11, Choose between
Steady Shot and Cobra Shot.

Starting Talent:
Kill Command.

Level 10 Talent Options:
Wilderness Medicine, Trailblazer, Concussive Shot, or Kill Shot.

Level 11 Unlock: Cobra Shot.

Passives: Exotic Beasts.

Toolkit: Arcane Shot, Aspect of the Cheetah, Aspect of the Turtle, Call Pet2, Disengage, Exhilaration, Feign Death, Freezing Trap, Hunter's Mark, Kill Command, Mend Pet, Steady Shot10, and Wing Clip.

Mastery: Master of Beasts.

CC & CC Break:
Freezing Trap, Concussive Shot, and Pet Family Abilities.

Stat Priority: TBD.
When at max range Marksman is the most powerful specialization. It is advised that as Marksman you keep your distance to take advantage of the overpowered mastery mechanic of Sniper Training(Enter top range here - `dev note). Aimed Shot has 2 charges, making it an excellent nuke for any target. You do not have a Focus Generator, when Focused Starved use Steady Shot.

Recommended Level: 11.

Starting Talent:
Kill Shot.

Level 10 Talent Options:
Kill command, Concussive Shot, Posthaste, or Improved Kill Shot.

Level 11 Unlock:
Aimed Shot.


Toolkit: Arcane Shot, Aspect of the Cheetah, Aspect of the Turtle, Call Pet2, Disengage, Exhilaration, Feign Death, Freezing Trap, Hunter's Mark, Kill Shot, Mend Pet, Steady Shot, and Wing Clip.

Sniper Training.

CC & CC Break: Freezing Trap, Concussive Shot , and Pet Family Abilities.

Stat Priority: TBD.
Survival is by far the deadliest of all melee builds available. The combo of Raptor Strike and Kill Command allows for a 5-6 Raptor Strike spam. Survival's Kill Command Gives Focus and has a noticeably shorter cooldown along with a 10% chance to reset. This enables the best pet harassment in the game. Being melee it may be advantageous to carry a ranged weapon should you need to use either Arcane shot or Steady Shot. Survival has the best Hunter healing with Spirit Bond.

Recommended Level: 11.

Starting Talent: Kill Command.

Level 10 Talents Options: Wilderness Medicine, Trailblazer, Concussive Shot, or Kill Shot.

Level 11 Unlock: Raptor Strike.

Passives: None.

Arcane Shot, Aspect of the Cheetah, Aspect of the Turtle, Call Pet2, Disengage, Exhilaration, Feign Death, Freezing Trap, Hunter's Mark, Kill Command, Mend Pet, Steady Shot, and Wing Clip.

Mastery: Spirit Bond.

CC & CC Break: Freezing Trap, Concussive Shot , and Pet Family Abilities.

Stat Priority: TBD.

Mage Team Rules: As Arcane you deal some of the highest damage in the WG. While playing try to Balance your power with team support through your CC toolkit. As Frost you are best paired with the FC at all times, your slows will aid them greatly when escaping chasers. Fire shouldn't be played and is one of the specializations that might go slightly higher in level to facilitate balanced play.(WG testing over time will determine such things) Arcane Explosion and Frost Nova may be used as a Stealth counter.

Your Party Buffs are Arcane Intellect
and Conjure Refreshments (Be Nice Make Food).
Arcane is extremely deadly if Arcane Charges are fully stacked. Arcane Blast with full Arcane Charges may be able to one shot. Try to snipe from a distance. You have great field manipulation with Frost Nova and Polymorph. You have a good escape combo with Frost Nova + Blink. The best way to play Arcane is to be very aggressive. You will need to drink, make use of Conjure Refreshment.
Recommended level: 11.

Starting Talent:
Prismatic Barrier.

Level 10 Talent Options: Ice Block,
Overflowing Energy, or Incanter's Flow.

Level 11 Unlocks:
Arcane Missiles and Arcane Barrage.

None. Arcane Charges

Toolkit: Arcane Barrage, Arcane Blast, Arcane Explosion, Arcane Intellect, Blink, Conjure Refreshment, Counterspell, Fire Blast, Frost Nova, Frostbolt, Polymorph, Prismatic Barrier, and Slowfall.

Mastery: Savant.

CC & CC Break: Blink, Counterspell, Frost Nova, Ice Block, and Polymorph.

Stat Priority: TBD
Fire is rather weak and will most likey be neglected by the community. You will only be allowed to go Fire if you have proven yourself as a skilled player. There is no reason to choose fire instead of Arcane or Frost. The best way to play fire is to be a coward and hug a healer, you're pretty much useless.

Recommended Level: 11.

Starting Talent:
Blazing Barrier.

Level 10 Talent Options: Ice Block,
Overflowing Energy, or Incanter's Flow.

Level 11 Unlock: Pyroblast.


Toolkit: Arcane Explosion, Arcane Intellect, Blink, Conjure Refreshment, Counterspell, Fire Blast, Fireball, Frost Nova, Frostbolt, Polymorph, and Slowfall.

Mastery: Ignite.

CC & CC Break: Blink, Counterspell, Frost Nova, Ice Block, and Polymorph.

Stat Priority: TBD.
Frost is the second best Mage specialization, with better damage and crowed control than to Fire. Rotation revolves around using Frost Nova, Ice lance, and Frostbolt making for good companions of the Flag Carrier(FC). Defensive harassment > Offensive harassment.

Recommended Level: 11.

Starting Talent: Ice Barrier.

Level 10 Talent Options:
Ice Block, Overflowing Energy, or Incanter's Flow.

Level 11 Unlock: Ice lance.

Passives: None.

Toolkit: Arcane Explosion, Arcane Intellect, Blink, Conjure Refreshment, Counterspell, Fire Blast, Frost Nova, Frostbolt, Polymorph, and Slowfall.

Mastery: Icicles.

CC & CC Break: Blink, Counterspell, Frost Nova, Ice Barrier, Ice Block, and Polymorph.
Stat Priority: TBD.

Monk Team Role: Monks as a whole are a mix of all 3 roles, with a focus on healer more than damage or tanking. You will see far more MW than BM and WW. You may use Leg Sweep, Provoke, Spinning Crane Kick, and Expel Harm as Stealth counters.
Monk has no Party Buff.

Tank Specializations Take 50% additional damage in PvP!
Brewmaster is the worst Monk specialization. BM will be a CC harassment and or Decurse support build. BM should only be played by skilled players.
Recommended Level: 11.

Starting Talent:
Tiger's Lust.

Level 10 Talents:
Soothing Mist, Rising Sun Kick, Calming Presence, Detox, Paralysis, or Disable.

Level 11 Unlocks:
Keg Smash and
Zen Pilgrimage.

Passive: Stagger.

Blackout Kick, Crackling Jade Lightning, Expel Harm, Leg Sweep, Provoke, Roll, Spinning Crane Kick, Tiger Palm, Tiger's Lust, Touch of Death, and Vivify.

Mastery: Elusive Brawler.

CC & CC Break: Crackling Jade Lightning, Leg Sweep, Provoke, and Tiger's Lust.

Stat Priority: TBD.
Mistweavers' heal rotation is Soothing Mist, Enveloping Mist, and then spam Vivify whilst channeling Soothing Mist. Try to pre hot your vital team members before engagement with a Enveloping Mists. Your healing will cause you to stand out visually, try to keep your teammates between you and your enemies. Your main focus is healing, dps will be very situational.
Recommended Level: 11.

Starting Talent:
Soothing Mist.

Level 10 Talent Options:
Improved Roll, Vigorous Expulsion, Improved Vitality, Rising Sun Kick, Calming Presence, Tiger's Lust.

Level 11 Unlocks:
Enveloping Mist
and Zen Pilgrimage.


Toolkit: Blackout Kick, Crackling Jade Lightning, Expel Harm, Leg Sweep, Provoke, Roll, Spinning Crane Kick, Tiger Palm, Tiger's Lust, Touch of Death, and Vivify.

Gust of Mists.

CC & CC Break: Crackling Jade Lightning, Leg Sweep,
Provoke, and Tiger's Lust.

Stat Priority TBD.
Windwalker is the 2nd best Monk specialization, but you won't see many in pvp. Only Skilled Players Should play this specialization.
Recommended Level: 11.

Starting Talent: Rising Sun Kick.

Level 10 Talent Options:
Soothing Mist, Calming Presence, or Tiger's Lust.

Level 11 Unlocks: Fist of Fury and Zen Pilgrimage.


Blackout Kick, Crackling Jade Lightning, Expel Harm, Leg Sweep, Provoke, Rising Sun Kick, Roll, Spinning Crane Kick, Tiger Palm, Touch of Death, and Vivify.

Mastery: Combo Strikes.

CC & CC Break: Crackling Jade Lightning, Leg Sweep, Provoke, and Tiger's Lust.

Stat Priority: TBD.

Paladin Team Role: Holy and Retribution start with 4 Level 10 talents (3 locked in), Protection starts with 3 level 10 talents (2 locked in). Paladins are great at team support. You may use Consecration, Hand of Reckoning, and Shield of the Righteous as Stealth counters. Remember to coordinate Auras with other Paladins on your team.
Paladin has no Party Buffs, excluding Arua.
Holy is a slow healer, It will make for useful support healer and CC in a team fight/chase. As a Hybrid Support Healer you will want to be focusing on the entire field in order to manipulate aura usage, CC, CC Break, and healing.
Recommended Level: 11.

Starting Talent:
Lay on Hands, Auras of the Resolute, and Blessing of Freedom.

Level 10 Talent Options: Improved Cleanse, Fist of Justice, Obduracy, Divine Steed, Aura's of Swift Vengeance, or Hammer of Wrath.

Level 11 Unlocks: Holy Shock
Holy Light.


Blessing of Freedom, Cleanse, Concentration Aura, Consecration, Crusader Strike, Devotion Aura, Divine Shield, Flash of Light, Hammer of Justice, Hand of Reckoning, Judgement, Lay on Hands, Sense Undead, Shield of the Righteous and Word of Glory.


CC & CC Break: Blessing of Freedom, Consecration, Divine Shield, and Hammer of Justice.

Stat Priority: TBD.
Tank Specializations Take 50% additional damage in PvP!
Protection is the worst Paladin specialization with no discernible benefit over the other 2. As a Hybrid Support Tank you will want to be focusing on the entire field in order to manipulate aura usage, CC, CC Break, and healing. Backup healing possible with roughly 11 Flash of Light before OOM.
Recommended Level: 11.

Starting Talent: Lay on Hands
and Auras of the Resolute.

Level 10 Talent Options: Cleanse Toxins, Fist of Justice, Blessing of Freedom, Divine Steed, or Hammer of Wrath.

Level 11 Unlocks:
Avenger's Shield and Crusader Strike Rank 2.


Toolkit: Auras of the Resolute, Consecration
, Crusader Strike, Divine Shield, Flash of Light, Hammer of Justice, Hand of Reckoning, Judgement, Lay on Hands, Sense Undead,
Shield of the Righteous, Word of Glory.

Mastery: Divine Bulwark.

CC & CC Break: Blessing of Freedom, Consecration, Divine Shield, and Hammer of Justice.

Stat Priority: TBD.
Retribution has far better team combat support than the other 2 specializations. As a Hybrid Support DPS you will want to be focusing on the entire field in order to manipulate aura usage, CC, CC Break, and healing. Backup healing possible with roughly 11 Flash of Light before OOM.
Recommended Level: 11.

Starting Talent: Blessing of Freedom, Auras of Swift Vengence, and Hammer of Wrath.

Level 10 Talent Options: Lay on Hands, Auras of the Resolute, Obduracy, Divine Shield, Greater Judgment, or Turn Evil.

Level 11 Unlocks: Blade of Justice
and Crusader Strike Rank 2.

Passive: Improved Crusader Strike, Instrument of Retribution.

Toolkit: Auras of Swift Vengeance,
Blessing of Freedom, Consecration, Crusader Strike, Divine Protection, Divine Shield, Flash of Light, Hammer of Justice, Hammer of Wrath, Hand of Reckoning, Judgement, Lay on Hands, Sense Undead, Shield of the Righteous, Templar's Verdict. Word of Glory.

Mastery: Hand of Light.

CC & CC Break: Blessing of Freedom, Consecration, Divine Protection, Divine Shield, and Hammer of Justice.

Stat Priority: TBD.

Priest Team Role: All 3 specializations are viable for play. Each specialization will revolve around maintaining Power Word: Shield D/S>H.
Priest Party Buff is Power Word: Fortitude.

Discipline is a hybrid damage/healer with excellent healing but low-to-mid-tier burst. Spread Renew (4% mana) on your allies before a team fight, either focus on healing or damage to benefit from Atonement. Although it is a channel spell, Penance doesn't suffer from pushback, only Hard CC can disrupt it. You may use Psychic Scream as a Stealth counter. You have a finisher if you choose Shadow Word: Death.
Renew: 111
Flash Heal: 41
Recommended Level: 11.

Starting Talent: Renew and Shadowfiend.

Level 10 Talent Options: Prayer of Mending, Improved Flash Heal, Dispel Magic, Psychic Voice, Petrifying Scream, or Shadow Word: Death.

Level 11 Unlocks:
Atonement and Penance.


Desperate Prayer, Flash Heal, Mind Blast, Power Word: Fortitude, Power Word: Shield, Psychic Scream, Purify, Renew, Resurrection, Shadow Word: Pain, Smite, Shadowfiend.


CC & CC Break: Psychic Scream.

Stat Priority: TBD.
Holy is much like discipline but with less emphasis on damage and more on healing. Holy has the weakest Power Word: Shield. Spread Renew (4% mana) on your allies before a team fight. Direct heals from abilities apply a heal-over-time based off your Mastery: Echo of Light. You may use Holy Nova and Psychic Scream as a Stealth counter. No Finisher.
Renew: 111
Flash Heal: 41
Holy Nova: 121
Recommended Level: 11.

Starting Talent: Prayer of Mending and Renew.

Level 10 Talent Options:
Focused Mending, Spell Warding, Blessed Recovery, Holy Nova, Improved Flash Heal, Dispel Magic, or Shadowfiend.

Level 11 Unlocks:
Holy Word: Serenity.


Toolkit: Desperate Prayer, Flash Heal, Mind Blast, Power Word: Fortitude, Power Word: Shield, Prayer of Mending, Psychic Scream, Purify, Renew, Resurrection, Shadow Word: Pain, and Smite.

Echo of Light.

CC & CC Break: Psychic Scream.

Stat Priority: TBD.
Shadow leans more into damage than the other 2 specializations. Aim to build Insanity asap for a single or double Devouring Plague. Spreading Shadow Word: Pain in team fights will help build Insanity and keep enemy healers busy. This specialization my end up being limited to 1 per team. You may use Psychic Scream as a Stealth counter. Shadow Word: Death(Death and Madness) is your finisher, this does alot of damage but may fail to kill your target. Have a Power Word: Shield applied before you cast.
Renew: 14
Flash Heal: 11
Recommended Level: 11.

Starting Talent: Shadowfiend and Shadow Word: Death.

Level 10 Talent Options: Renew, Dispel Magic, Psychic Voice, Petrifying Scream,
Phantasm, or Death and Madness.

Level 11 Unlocks:
Devouring Plague.

Passive: Hallucinations.

Mind Blast(6), Mind Flay(12 over duration), Shadow Word: Death(4), Shadow Word: Pain(3 Per tick), Shadowfiend(2 Per attack), and Vampiric Touch(4).

Toolkit: Desperate Prayer,
Fade, Flash Heal, Mind Blast, Mind Flay, Power Word: Fortitude, Power Word: Shield, Psychic Scream, Purify, Renew, Resurrection, Shadowfiend, Shadowform, Shadow Word: Death, Shadow Word: Pain, and Smite, and Vampiric Touch.

Shadow Weaving.

CC & CC Break:
Mind Flay, Psychic Scream and Fade with Phantasm selected as level 10 talent.

Stat Priority: TBD.

Rogue specializations all have weak damage but great harassment for mid field and flag rooms. Tough full stun locking isn't possible, you are able to CC players long enough to noticeably aid in team fights and flag engagements. Recommended For Skilled Players Only.
Assassination specializes in applying poisons.
Recommended Level 11.

Starting Talent: Shiv.

Level 10 Talent Options: Evasion, Blind or Sap.

Level 11 Unlocks: Deadly Poison.


Toolkit: Ambush, Cheap Shot, Crimson Vial, Crippling Poison, Eviscerate, Instant Poison, Kick, Shiv, Sinister Strike, Slice and Dice, Sprint, and Stealth.

Mastery: Potent Assassin.

CC & CC Break:
Blind, Cheap Shot, Kick, and Sap.

Stat Priority:
Outlaw has 2 specialization Talents at 11. Specializes in procuring additional hits.
Recommended Level: 11.

Starting Talent: Blind.

Level 10 Talent Options: Shiv,
Elusiveness, Cheat Death, or Sap.

Level 11 Unlocks: Opportunity or Blade Flurry.

Passive: None.

Toolkit: Ambush, Blind, Cheap Shot, Crimson Vial, Crippling Poison, Eviscerate, Instant Poison, Kick, Sinister Strike, Slice and Dice, Sprint, and Stealth.

Main Gauche.

CC & CC Break: Blind, Cheap Shot, Kick, and Sap.

Stat Priority:
Subtlety has with 3 specialization Talent options at 11. Plays much like the other 2 specializations but has gap closers with Shadowstep and Shadowstrike.
Recommended Level: 11.

Starting Talent: Sap.

Level 10 Talent Options: Shiv, Blind, or
Cloak of Shadows.

Level 11 Unlocks:
Improved Backstab (Talent), Shadowstep (Talent), or Improved Shuriken Storm (Talent)
, & Shuriken Storm (Ability).

Passive: None.

Toolkit: Cheap Shot, Crimson Vial, Crippling Poison, Eviscerate, Instant Poison, Kick, Sap, Sinister Strike, Slice and Dice, Sprint, Stealth, and


CC & CC Break: Blind, Cheap Shot,
Cloak of Shadows, Kick, and Sap.

Stat Priority: TBD.

Shaman is a Damage/Support class that's going to dominate the field. Both Elementals' and Enhancements' Flame Shock are deadly when dispelled. Restoration's Flame Shock doesn't come with a dispel damage proc. This is a great mental game play should you have 2+ Shamans on your team, people will 2nd guess dispelling Flame Shock. Lava Burst hits hard in all 3 specializations. Shaman has a lot overkill burst capability.

Specialization power: Restoration > Elemental > Enhancement.

Healing Surge: 11
Chain Heal: 7
Healing Surge: 15
Chain Heal: 7
Healing Surge: 28
Chain Heal: 24

Elemental has good Kiting, Team Damage, and Single Target. Flame Shock is deadly when dispelled. You have a ranged interrupt if you choose Wind Shear. You may act as a temporary healer. Rotation will revolve around Flame Shock, Lava Burst, and Earth Shock.

Has Ranged Interrupt!
No D

Recommended Level: 11.

Starting Talents: Lava Burst and Chain Lightning (5 targets).

Level 10 Talent Options:
Chain Heal, Fire and Ice, Wind Shear, Astral Shift, Frost Shock, Brimming with Life, or Maelstrom Weapon.

Level 11 Unlocks:
Earth Shock.


Toolkit: Chain Lightning (5 targets), Earthbind Totem, Flame Shock, Flametongue Weapon, Ghost Wolf, Healing Surge, Lava Burst, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Shield, Primal Strike, and Reincarnation.

Mastery: Elemental Overload.

CC & CC Break: Earthbind Totem, Flame Shock (dispelled), Frost Shock, Ghost Wolf, and Wind Shear.

Stat Priority: TBD.
Enhancement is a Damage/Support melee with mid tier burst. You may act as a temporary healer. Recommended for Skilled Players! Flame Shock is deadly when dispelled. You'll have to pick your fights as a melee in a caster dominated pvp.

No I
No Dispel!

Recommended Level: 11.

Starting Talent: Chain Lightning (3 targets) and Maelstrom Weapon.

Level 10 Talent Options: Chain Heal, Lava Burst, Astral Shift, Frost Shock, Brimming with Life, or Flurry.

Level 11 Unlocks:

Passive: Reincarnation.

Toolkit: Chain Lightning (3 targets), Earthbind Totem, Flame Shock, Flametongue Weapon, Ghost Wolf, Healing Surge, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Shield, Primal Strike, and Reincarnation.

Enhanced Elements.

CC & CC Break: Earthbind Totem, Flame Shock (dispelled), Frost Shock, and Ghost Wolf.

Stat Priority: TBD.
Restoration is one of the strongest damage dealers on the field. Their healing is also excellent. As Restoration you will be nuked quickly. Attempt to play from the back as much as possible. Flame Shock is not deadly when dispelled unlike the other 2 specializations. Lava Burst can 1 shot.

No Interrupt!

Has Magic Dispel!

Recommended Level: 11.

Starting Talent: Chain Heal and Lava Burst.

Level 10 Talent Options:
Earth Shield, Fire and Ice, Wind Shear, Astral Shift, or Chain Lightning (3 targets).

Level 11 Unlocks:

Passive: Reincarnation.

Ancestral Vision, Chain Heal, Earthbind Totem, Flame Shock, Flametongue Weapon, Ghost Wolf, Healing Surge, Lava Burst, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Shield, Primal Strike,
Purify Spirit, and Reincarnation.

Deep Healing.

CC & CC Break: Earthbind Totem and Ghost Wolf.

Stat Priority: TBD.

Affliction focuses on spreading Agony and Corruption then triggering Malefic Rapture.

No Dispel!
Fear can be used as an interrupt.

Recommended Level: 11.

Starting Talent: Demonic Gate.

Level 10 Talent Options:
Fel Domination, Demon Skin, Fel Armor, or Burning Rush.

Level 11 Unlocks:
Malefic Rapture.

Soul Leech, Soul Shards, and Xavian Teachings.

Agony, Corruption, Create Healthstone, Curse of Weakness, Demonic Circle, Demonic Circle: Teleport, Drain Life, Fear, Health Funnel, Shadow Bolt, Summon Imp, Summon Voidwalker, and Unending Resolve.

Potent Afflictions.

CC & CC Break:

Stat Priority: TBD
Recommended Level: .

Starting Talent:

Level 10 Talent Options:

Level 11 Unlocks:




CC & CC Break:

Stat Priority:
Recommended Level: .

Starting Talent:

Level 10 Talent Options:

Level 11 Unlocks:




CC & CC Break:

Stat Priority:

Recommended Level: .

Starting Talent:

Level 10 Talent Options:

Level 11 Unlocks:




CC & CC Break:

Stat Priority:
Recommended Level: .

Starting Talent:

Level 10 Talent Options:

Level 11 Unlocks:




CC & CC Break:

Stat Priority:
Recommended Level: .

Starting Talent:

Level 10 Talent Options:

Level 11 Unlocks:




CC & CC Break:

Stat Priority:

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Would definitely be interesting in being a captain. Still gearing some of my toons after returning to the game, but won't take long.
Would definitely be interesting in being a captain. Still gearing some of my toons after returning to the game, but won't take long.
If this is how you feel please contact Graet on discord. I will also mention it to him. Please get the addon and unclick the tournament rules box.
Please vote in the poll of this thread if you haven't yet. Located at the top^^ Thank you!

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Is this solely for 10/11s or are 13's allowed as well?
We will be starting out as 10/11 only, with most going 11. However, I do hope that future plans will include an ilvl cap added for some specializations AND OR some classes allowed to go higher in level. Many WG will have to be played before the community can gauge what would be the most inclusive rules.

As most people in the bracket have 10/11 already geared (some re-gearing/re-rolling now for pvp) Graet and I initially want to start this off as 10/11.

As always, feedback is welcome ❤️
This sounds really fun. Would definitely be interested in coming along! Tempted to push my 10 mw up to 11 to play ww, or reroll an 11 warlock. Out of curiosity, are consumables allowed (potions, flasks, engineering items, etc.)?

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