
  1. EU+US EU or US?

    Hey so looking to 70 twink again but curious to which server is more active in terms of people to do stuff with (raids, hcs, chat, pvp, duels, mog farm etc) Im from the UK so EU would make sense but due to work i can be anytime of day/night, so server has no problem for me, especially as ive...
  2. Nodoka

    EU+US 10s Battletag list, EU + US

    Please state if you're from EU or US so I can give you the appropriate tag next to your battle tag Please quote this post or mention me so I get a notification so I can update the thread more smoothly quote or use @ Nodoka (no space) so I get a notifation when people wish to be added,
  3. Björke

    US List: Crossrealm Server Groups and Connected Realms

    In the following posts I will list the crossrealm server groups and connected realms for US as they are today: Jan 15, 2015 Next connections: - Nothing announced - Source Aug 21 The list is seperated into countries and connected realms within each crossrealm server group. Lime = 1st group of...