As the title states, come watch me open hundreds of Battered Junkboxes in hopes for our Blackvenom Blade. We have been farming it for a couple weeks now and with the amount we have today. We pray today is the day.
2600 BFA Rogue Gameplay | BiS 29 Outlaw Twink... | 2500 BFA XP Rogue | 29 Twink Outlaw Rogue Gameplay
Tune in and give your fellow twinker a follow, helps support the small guys and remind me that people might enjoy watching! Any tips, or constructive criticism are appreciated!
Love to everyone who supports...
<Ugly Girls Get Tap Water> Vs <Give Me Your Energy>
Ladies and gents, fellow tinks - I bring to you, tonights - entertainment!
The Saiyans face off against the so far undefeated Ugly Girls.
Who will have the energy? Randy proclaiming to end their winning streak tonight.
Tune in live...