stat weights

  1. Diibzee

    Warrior Helm help?

    I'm pretty much wondering what will have more value on my 49 arms/furry warrior between three helms. Steel Plate Helm - 23 armor + 22 str + 22 vers Compared to Helm of the executioner - 29 armor + 15 str + 22 stam + 8 crit + 11 haste...
  2. Frost Mage

    Hi there, Last time I wrote about a destruction warlock, a class that is heavily underplayed and not in a very good spot right now. This time I thought, let's take a look at a class that is played more, but a specialization that is not played a lot: Frost Mage. So, everyone knows that Arcane...
  3. Destruction Warlock

    EDIT: Question 1 has been answered: Goblin EDIT2: Question 2 and 3 have been answered: stat priority can be everything, just focus on two. I went with vers > haste > crit. The talent should be flashover Hey everyone, I'm new to the forums so if I made any mistake please let me know. First...
  4. Odjur

    EU+US Balance Druid Simulations (looking for input)

    Summary: Given that players in the XPoff brackets (and PvPers as a whole) tend to have poorly optimized gear, and are thus at a disadvantage before even stepping into a BG, I wanted to do the world a favor and help prospective players gear their characters. For that reason, I developed Chardev...