
  1. WTS Cutthroat's Mantle of the Eagle 7/7 with Resilience of the Scourge (Oce - Arugal)

    WTS Cutthroat's Mantle of the Eagle 7/7 with Resilience of the Scourge (Oce - Arugal) Horde You can message me on here or Discord Blitzzer#3179 ; )
  2. Kirise

    Script for showing hidden resilience stat?

    My googling failed to find a formula for revealing resilience rating, now that it's no longer on the character sheet. What is it? I found it for PvP Power: /run print( GetPvpPowerDamage(), GetPvpPowerHealing() ) I found it for magic resistances, if you replace "total" and "characterlevel"...