
  1. blue09

    Missing Realm

    Hello, sorry for this thread, it's possible a duplicate and im sorry, but the realm I have all my characters dosen't show up in the realm list today on EU English server list, I know some1 posted a similar thread a few days ago, but can't find it even if I search for it. Can anyone offer any...
  2. Asrael

    Aternion 20 Twink Server (MOP)| PTR at 13.09.19 19:30 CEST.

    Welcome to Aternion 20 Twink Server! Patch: 5.4.8(real) Mists of Pandaria. After a long break I started working on this project again. At the moment I have only done Core and SQL work, no NPC's / Spawn's etc. yet. However a PTR is planned. This PTR will probably go...
  3. Rehnz

    I QQ over Q's so help me please :3

    Basically wanting to twink a toon (alli or horde, not really fussed) exp-off, whats the best bracket if (like im sure you all are) looking to avoid queues? (10-19 or 20-29?) also if anyone has any realm/guild recommendations that would be brill
  4. Robotomr

    EU LF best Ally 19s realm

    Hey everyone, I've been looking around on here for threads about the best servers for EU ally twinks. I saw a thread about someone looking for advice about transferring and they got recommend Draenor for alliance or Argent Dawn but went to Ravencrest. I'm looking to see if anyone can help...