
  1. How do people avoid TW queue bug?

    I see boosters claiming to be able to get people from 70 -> 80 within 40 min via TWW. Everytime i've farmed time walking dungeons on my twink druid i always get locked to atleast a 5 minute queue even if you queue up with the full party you cleared the dungeon with. The only way i can see people...
  2. Exp-off and Exp-on Players will not be separated in Wrath Classic BGs

    Source: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/xp-gains-from-pvp-in-wrath-classic/1304907 Semi-fresh news straight from Blizzard's mouth: Apparently, this news has been received with mixed reactions, with some saying that twinks ruin low level pvp. I, for one, am happy that all the people...
  3. Outofspace

    New Queue Times?

    Looks like our big happy battlegroup has been split between East and West. I'm expecting West to have alright queue times thanks to Whitemane and other big servers but it's not looking good for East (currently no Gulches). Anyone getting games today?
  4. Not Getting Any Queues With XP Off

    I am a lvl 29 twink with my XP turned off, but I never get any queues that pops. In fact I dont even get an estimated average wait time. I think there isn't enough lvl 20s with their XP turned off to form a BG. Is there a way I can keep my XP off, but still get queues?
  5. EU Largest community Alliance side 30-39 EU

    Hello! I want to invite you all to the community Twink 39. We're an fast growing community with already 165 member, with an active searching for people to queue with! So if you never wanna be alone again, join us! sometimes we do Wargames in collaboration with the <Playground> guild from...
  6. What bracket have lowest bg time?

    So I wanted to know what bracket have the lowest que time for twinks? Im on EU btw
  7. Bestworld

    EU+US WSG Solo Queue Macro.

    So I have a queue macro that works perfectly fine outside a group. However, when I am in a group, I have to press something similar to "yes" in a pop-up dialog box that asks if I am sure that I meant to solo queue, when being in a group (that's the gist of it at least). I sometimes find myself...
  8. Derpyhooves

    EU+US F2p can't que for BGs

    Is anyone else unable to que for BGs as f2p? My sub ran out a few days ago and now it says that starter accounts can't que for BGs. In the past I was able to que after I turned xp back on as f2p. The npc that turns on/off takes my 10g, but the xp bar doesn't reappear and I get the red error...