
  1. Azialtwink

    Stiknarkomanerne the worst of twinking

    Hey my jocks who sure love twinks! So I was queuing alone doing some pugs (and I say 'I' as my team was full of level 12s and 15s) and faced <Stiknarkomanerne> from Shazzrah which I guess is a Norwegian guild (?). It's always so cringe when you face these guys as they are legendary bad at...
  2. Azialtwink

    <Green Tinted Goggles> semimade VS Silverwing Sentinels

    Not a legit premade as both guilds lacked core players but we did face each other in a random semimade which was fun! Hope that we can organise a proper 10v10 til next time. Here's the game: https://gtg.wowhordes.com/news_entries/444121 And remember: If you're having a bad day just remember...