project 80

  1. Rmorais

    PROJECT 30 re launch ?

    Hello and good night. Some of you might recognize/remember my name or at least Project 30 / <Project Thirty>. I would like to give some info about us and explain why I am making this post. About us: We were a guild that basicly did old content such as dungeons/raids at level 30 (for those who...
  2. [H] [EU] [Defias Brotherhood] <Timewalkers> P60, P70 & P80.

    We are currently planning on levelling to 60 and clearing the end-game multiple times. When we have done everything we can in Classic we're moving on to TBC and eventually WotLK. As soon as we have ten players at the level cap of the current expansion we're progressing on and have tested the...
  3. EU Would anyone be interested in a project 60-85 guild?

    Even though I love twink bgs, I wish I could enjoy 120 because I love to raid. So, would any of you be interested in one, progressing from 60 to 85? Of course there would be rules if people would be willing to play (such as no gem gear at 60 and stuff).