
  1. Hunter Pet

    Hey guys, I'm working on my twink hunter and I've been searching around the internet to find out which animal works best as a 19 twink pet. As far as I know the boar is the best because of the charge and immobilize, but I've seen people talk about the spider because of its web which also...
  2. Samhain

    US Classic (A) 19 Priest looking for competitive guild

    Title says it all, female human defensive priest twink looking for an active competitive 19 twink guild looking to premade horde guilds. I am a classic wow premade experienced player and best in slot.
  3. Dirty

    US <Party Nineteen> Sargeras / Alliance / 19s

    Guild name: Party Nineteen Realm: Sargeras Faction: Alliance Member count: 25 (as of 8/31/2018) Hey! Party Nineteen is a new guild specifically for level 19 twinks. We are recruiting members & mustering up resources! About us ○ We are an Alliance based guild. ○ We like to have fun but strive...
  4. Dirty

    US <Locked XP> Sargeras | Alliance | Guild

    <Locked XP> Alliance Realm: Sargeras 316 Members (as of 11/15/2018) Hey! Locked XP is a fairly new guild specifically for level 19 twinks. We are recruiting members & mustering up resources! About us ○ Our members are online everyday. ○ We like to have fun but we can get sweaty. ;) ○ Members...
  5. Samhain

    10-19 Classic Era 19 Twink Priest Guide

    (Classic Era) WoW Version 1.13 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction II. Choosing Your Race III. Gearing & Enchanting IV. Priest Talents I. INTRODUCTION About the Author: I go by the in game name Samhain, I've played in the nineteen bracket from Vanilla all the way...
  6. Samhain

    10-19 Classic Era 19 Twink Hunter Guide

    (Classic Era) WoW Version 1.13 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction II. Choosing Your Race III. Gearing & Enchanting IV. Hunter Talents V. Training Your Pet I. INTRODUCTION About the Author: I go by the in game name Samhain, I've played in the nineteen bracket from Vanilla...