level 60

  1. TheDruidMan

    World First Level 60 Solo The Jailer Mythic

  2. TheDruidMan

    TheDruidMan 5 - The Jailer's Weapon - Level 60 Twink

    60 pallys are super fun for anyone deciding on a class :)
  3. zazzyfraz

    379 ilvl Zaralek Caverns greens fixed after 6 months

    After 6 months blizzard has finally nerfed the 379 ilvl Zaralek Caverns greens. Lol There's still some other stuff that isnt fixed: Cobalt Watchers Cloth set Ottuk Hide Leather set Ohn’aharn Falconers Mail set Wrymforged Plate set Season 2, Upgrade Level: Explorer 1/8, Required 60, ilvl 376...
  4. Soryo

    EU+US Blizzard News Theory. Opinions?

    So, I just read a news article from Blizzard mentioning their intent on making more content Free to Play. I've overheard some rumors from friends suggesting the possibility of raising the Free to Play level cap to 60 in order to try and bring more players in (or back) to the Game. Do you guys...

    WTS Pendulum of Doom on hellscream/zangarmarsh(NA), if you’re interested please leave a comment or DM in Xpoff. I’m willing to negotiate on the price and willing to accept gold on any other realm(NA). https://www.wowhead.com/item=9425/pendulum-of-doom
  6. Alistania

    NA/EU - 60-80 Twink BiS Spreadsheet (PvE)

    Greetings! I tried to find a website somewhere that would let me input gear and gems and see the effects without having to do it in game...but I could not find one for twink levels. So I made one. The following link is to a Google Spreadsheets Doc I made that you can use to do calculations...
  7. AtieshBipsi

    EU+US <Deck Me Out> @ Argent Dawn EU - Recruitment

    <Deck Me Out> & Argent Dawn EU The Basics We're currently seeking new Members with the interest of joining the Level 60 Bracket! Hosting a number of Vanilla Geared PvP, PvE & Social Events. <Deck Me Out>can be found on the Alliance Faction at Argent Dawn EU. ( For those unaware; Trying to Que...
  8. AtieshBipsi

    EU Deck Me Out @ Argent Dawn EU Recruitement

    <Deck Me Out> & Argent Dawn EU The Basics We're currently seeking new Members with the interest of joining the Level 60 Bracket! Hosting a number of Vanilla Geared PvP, PvE & Social Events. <Deck Me Out>can be found on the Alliance Faction at Argent Dawn EU. ( For those unaware; Trying to Que...
  9. NostalgiaGuild

    US [A][Wyrmrest Accord] <Nostalgìa> Reroll Legacy Raiding Guild!

    Welcome Players! Nostalgìa is a Legacy Raiding Guild on Wyrmrest Accord that will progress through expansions. We will first be venturing through all of the Classic World of Warcraftraids [60]. We will progress over time to current end game. We hope by the end that we will have a great family...