
  1. Warlord Daboo

    Warlords of Warsong - Rattlegore Wpvp Events!

    Warlords of Warsong is growing fast, with over 125 members now. We are starting to schedule Dungeon runs to help gear our 19s and get them ready for Wpvp events and eventually BGs. Warlords will hold Wpvp events twice weekly to start off, events will include Redridge Raids, Gurubashi Battles...
  2. Zuro

    EU Looking for AGM realm-hop partner (Horde)

    Hey i still need AGM on a few chars. If you also want it but the 110s keep fucking it up we can make a little deal... I made lvl 30s on low pop german realms and moved them to STV. The idea is that you do the same for me and we can get the agm within weeks? We can take turns.