If you want to farm a low drop rate item from a boss at the end of a long winding instance, worry no further.
When resetting instance, blizzard will displace all characters inside dungeon into the dungeon's spawn. However, you CAN NOT be displaced from a location when stunned. Thus, we can...
Table of Contents
Table of contents (The Why)
Behind the editor: BBCode vs WYSIWYG
BBCode Tutorial
Basic formatting (Formatting, Strikethrough, Fonts, Size, Color)
Spoilers and Code (small note about quotes at the end)
Wowhead links...
Hey there, my name is Loco and I have both 20s and 19s and I love both brackets a lot. This guide will show you how to farm Dingy Iron Coins in Draenor to buy the rogue masks:
1000 DIC:
Rakish Orange Mask
Glamorous Purple Mask
Immaculate White Mask
Mossy Green Mask
Forboding Black Mask
5000 DIC...