Title says it all. I'd like to buy Thorbia's Gauntlets at lvl 20 (ilvl28)! If anyone has a pair of them and would like to sell them, please let me know :) Doesnt matter what realm its on!
Feel free to add me on Discord: Üro#8673
Btag: ÜroZyzz#2571
Anyone tried getting these after the lvl scaling and rare/epic upgrades became a thing?
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/item/1314 says it has a chance to be rare and epic
Is it just me or are the Gloves of the Fang not dropping since 8.0? I've ran it like 22-23 times now and not a single pair. 5% on wowhead? I use to get up to 3 in a single run..
I am currently WTS Hotshot Pilot's Gloves. I am on Lightbringer (US). Please send In-game Mail to Stephanina or add my battle-tag jakelsl2009#1546. Thanks in Advance!