feral druid

  1. 29s Feral Need some advice

    Hello fellow twinks! So with the might upcoming change to 29s being a thing again. What is the way to go if you wanted to go feral? What stats and build would be optimal? Thanks in advance!
  2. EU+US Feral Weapon Damage Observations

    I've seen a couple threads recently about weapon damage and feral druids. And since I happened to have a green bg staff drop of the same type as the blue bg staff I currently use, I decided to grab some data points. If you don't know why weapon damage is so important, check this quote from...
  3. Hunter and feral druid weapon enchant

    Hello guys! I'm currently enchanting a hunter and was looking at what other people was doing. I've seen a few enchanting with a +4 damage scope. I've seen something similar regarding feral druid weapon enchant, where they used +3 damage. Are these enchants/scopes that much better than any of...
  4. Svinjotaur

    EU+US Feral flat +7% damage buff...

    This hit yesterday, alongside frost mage 3% flat damage buff... Is this big as I think it is? Has feral just climbed up the ladder by a tier?
  5. Drimbrez

    EU+US Feral druid at 19

    Hello I have gotten a new feral druid to 19 and wanted to twink it but I don't know what gear to get, I have been searching this forum but all I find is the invasion gear and that is unobtainable. Anyone that knows what is best in slot please tell me.
  6. Dextiz

    EU+US 101 FERAL TWINK - Cloth VS only Leather

    Hello! I've been running a Feral twink for around a month now and always gotten into discussions about how I "MUST" use cloth to get more dps and have a better twink. But I've always disagreed on this and said that the cloth gear don't give any AGI compared to leather that also can give INT, so...