
  1. Radical

    Selling Grandfathered Arcanum Leg Enchants

    Hello twonks. @Boognish recently stumbled across a handful of grandfathered arcanum enchants and we've teamed up to sell them here on twinkinfo. 3x Arcanum of Focus (3sp at lvl 20) 4x Arcanum of Rapidity (4 haste at lvl 20) 4x Arcanum of Protection (6 dodge at lvl 20) Prices: Focus 750k (1mil...
  2. Sun

    US 39's Armory List

    Join XPOFF Discord Here XPOFF Community US Horde: Link US Alliance: Link Warrior Arms Rogral (H) Vilhjálmur (A) Fury Jwlv (A) Coðl (A) Stinkmeàner (H) Hamslamwich (H) Omniçide (H) Enno (H) Furyisop (H) Gnarlie (H) Warork (H) Protection Paladin Protection Retribution Holyswinger (A)...