
  1. Sonicthehedg

    Lv 20 Priest twinking..stam vs int(How important is Stam?)

    ey guys. I been working on a disc priest and I guess I wanted to ask how viable people think a glass-cannon disc build is? How necessary is stam? I know most people like to strike a balance between int and stam. I've been intrigued by a couple of items in specific.. [Spellpower Goggles Xtreme...
  2. Nicozy

    29 disc gear/enchant help

    Just looking for some good armory for 29 disc with obtainable bis. Also what leg enchant for boe pants? thanks in advance bfa gearing got me fucked up. feel free to add all your wisdom regarding gearing/consumable shit
  3. US Recruit me.

    Hello. I have a few twinks. some are 10, some 19, i love disc and hunter, and will probably make more classes like rogue, lock, mage. Right now I have discs level 10 and 19, several of them. I also have a couple 19 hunters. I am active, and always looking for a group. I am a 47 year old male. My...
  4. US Level 10 5 man Disc Priest Premades

    Hey guys I was just looking for some people to queue with on my 10 twink disc. If has a disc and wants to play in a 5 group premade and slaughter horde just add my btag, Djrend#1194 If you would like to make a level 10 twink priest on alliance side here is a link to my armory so you know what...