Here at <Golden Twinkies> WE are not here to Divide only INCLUDE
We are pushing to unite...
Invite Link to the Discord: https://discord.gg/2r25M8Z
Currently still in it's infancy, Classic WoW Guilds is being built up by leadership of so far over 20 classic guilds to be a guild search and recruitment resource. Whether you're a player/recruiter actively searching for a guild/member...
Hello There!
I am a Member of the newly formed guild << Carried By iLvl >>.
We are Looking for more active members to help our guild tackle the old 60 raids.
My Armoury:
Djproxd- Ravencrest http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/ravencrest/Djprotxd/simple
I'll just make it short and...