battle ground

  1. ChaelSonnen

    EU+US Can’t join BGs

    So, I’ve recently reinstalled WOW after a long time and decided to log back into my F2P account for some BGs. When I initially started again all my F2P characters were lvl 10 again, so I had some fun learning the new mechanics and was able to get a few games. Now that I hit lvl 20 again, when...
  2. Austin

    Double Frost Mage videos

    So I was originally going to make one long video but decided to split it up into two. First is a bit slower and focused more on 1v1,1v2, and 1v3 with some one shots ofc. The second video is fast paced and all about the one shots. Hope you enjoy!
  3. EU Q pops, where they at ?

    Hi everyone, thats my first post here:) So, last weekend my drunk a** came home and decided to log on my first twink i have ever made.. at 5 in the morning ..just to do some quests for soothsaying vest & sparkproof gloves .. aand well.. both came out in epic quality!:cool: Now that this char...
  4. Milkweaver

    EU New Horde Community

    I've created a new community for finding people to play with, all are welcome to join. I'll be on quite often, so will keep up to date and give all moderator to help it expand.
  5. EU Looking for mates

    Hello, i'm Hammur-Dalaran, a french f2p since late cata. I will try to be quick. I'm atm looking for some mates with btag, in order to do some premades on english realms. I am a Horde player. Please contact me over this thread or via MP (you may send me your Btag). This could be helpful for me...