
  1. US WTS Steelgrill Shield - Dalaran

    Selling on Dalaran US Steelgrill Shield - +18 stam, +9 vers, +7 mastery, +12 str, +37 int (level 85)
  2. critterhunter

    Back to the 80s!

    Hi Guys! Looking to start an 80's community on EU Alliance. Please find Community link: https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/bXRnGpcKvB?region=EU&faction=Alliance Mainly PVE + LF Team for Herald of the Titans. Any questions, please feel free to message me
  3. Mushy

    US Relentless! Top 80-89 Alliance Community!

    LINK-https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/nlyjJPPfxPd?region=US&faction=Alliance-LINK This Community is one of the most ACTIVE alliance 80-89 communities at the moment (0)WHAT DO WE SUPPLY?(0) -Full Raid Runs -Upto nearly every raid- -Premades -80-89's -A full discord channel -Good stuff...