
  1. Nosferatu

    Gemming for F2P

    I'm new to XPO, so bear with me. I skipped BfA, SL, DF due to starting a family, so I'm a bit hazy on how gemming now works. I've seen other F2P 20s with rare iLVL 84 necklaces with three gem slots. Some have straight stat gems, other have what appears to be special gems from SL. Can someone...
  2. Life

    20 Twinks <<WARGAMES>> hosted OVER 600 games now! <Golden Twinkies> NEW EVENT <<BEGINNER'S NIGHT>> 03/22 | WARGAME RULE UPDATES FOR PATCH 11.1

    GOLDEN TWINKIES LVL 20 WARGAMES "Bringing Back the Golden Era of Twinking" (Sick of pugging?? Tired of the 1 shot meta? Come really have skill in PvP!) In Golden Twinkies we strive for wargames where skill and team-play make the difference between victory and defeat! To achieve that, we...
  3. Saykon

    Are F2P Tanks still able to solo dungeons?

    This is a question that I have since the beginning of the expansion, considering that in Shadowlands my pretty average Prot Paladin was able to solo most dungeons in the game. I would like to know if that is still possible, since it's one of my favorite things to do with my lvl 20 characters...
  4. 20-29 Shockadin 20 VET guide

    This guide since crusader nerf no longer stands and is complete garbage, please pretend it never existed.