19s bracket

  1. Cybershade

    19s. Let's do this. USW/USE

    My girlfriend and I have several 19 twinks and have spent considerable time obtaining all the rare enchanting recipes and such to gear any type of level 19 twink, and to provide consumables for bgs. We are now looking to start a horde19 twink guild (if necessary) and organise bgs with other...
  2. Mende

    Classic Era 19s are back?

    We are trying to revive the 19 bracket on classic era whitemane cluster, Alliance or Horde. If you are wanting to wpvp or que WSG, join the discord and lets have some fun. Guild Discord Horde or Alliance: Click Here Era Twink Guild Discord: Click Here
  3. Selling 19 twink items on EU Mograine Horde

    Selling: assassins's blade 2x Evocator's blade 1x Battle slayer of agility 1x (8 agi axe) twisted chanter's staff 1x razor's edge 2x gear Mail defender tunic of the bear 5/5 2x Fortified bracers of the bear 3/3 1x Fortified bracers of str 5 1x defenders bracers of the bear 3/3 2x...
  4. any 19s active on firemaw EU Horde?

    Is there anyone active in the 19s bracket on firemaw eu horde. if so add me ingame Llamalot#2476
  5. Azialtwink

    EXONERATION | Azial Twink Montage

    Yo! Here it is after some hardcore-no-break-editing. I managed to finish it in about a week (and sure it has some flaws/rushed parts) but I'm proud of how it ended up. I hope you enjoy it! /Azial