1. zazzyfraz

    US outdated

  2. Calm

    EU Calling all 100 Twinks

    Hello there! Looking for 100 twinks that are on the alliance side of EU to do instanced pvp. Post on here if interested and My battletag is Calm#21133 Obviously looking to win Battlegrounds cause currently alliance are dog shit as pug add me if interested if you cba to post on here Eswen
  3. Embu

    EU+US [F2P Ranking] Top 100 Honorable Kills

    Hey people, When Twinkinfo did exist there was a ranking that enabled to see who, between all F2P twinks from Europe and America, had X amount of honorable kills. I propose you today to resusiscate this ranking because F2P still continues to get activity, and because it's always funny to see...