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    Is anyone else noticing that the average wait time compared to the time in queue is way off? I have queued a few times since they fixed the BGs not popping and I always seem to be waiting 20min+ for a 5minute queue. I am on alliance US
  2. question about jumps

    I find the fence jump hard on my male human... but easy on my fem NE
  3. @ Everyone who played tonight.

    Looks like i missed all the fun.
  4. Trinket?? Lock

    I really hope blizz doesnt pull a fast one and remove AGM... *crosses fingers*
  5. Disc vs Holy

    Both are viable, I think it is mostly preference. I was disc then switched to holy and like it. Chastise is must more useful then some people thinik.
  6. WTS Mindthrust Bracers

    Sorry for not getting back sooner assassin. I thought the a blades were worth more than they apparently are now, as I won't be able to xfer to you. Looks like you have another buyer anyway.
  7. WTS Mindthrust Bracers

    Noticed you were interested in an Assassin's blade on another auction, so I will trade you my Assassin's blade for the bracers.
  8. WTB one Shadowfang, trading gold, $$$, AB, petrol

    Hi, I need 1 shadowfang on Earthen Ring Alliance side. I have the petrolspill leggings and ABlade to trade as well as gold. Will also pay via paypal. Let me know price on here or you can talk to me on Kelypso alliance side or Impervius Horde side Earthen Ring.