holy buffs flash heal renew you get an instant cc/inturrupt an instant heal for omg momments and your shield absorbs 80-120 less than disc.
guys who play disc play it cause of the dps it can do.
in short holy.
he plays a 19 hunter and get he's mother to pay for xfers for guildies, why wouldn't i belive this.
but hell /salute to the guy he got kids like you hero worshiping him for playing a hunter
he has a gun so ita be a bullzit.
makes me lol how you guys hero worship a hunter and a guy who get he's mother to buy he's team mates sad sad sad.
he would be flamed out of EU bg's.
why sax why? i always liked you
p.s if your great great granddad was'nt a ( P)risoner (O)f (M)other england you coulda been EU
you may leave now small son.
when he finish likck he lern you lick viancockx da way he like it kk?
could you link me a decent lvl20 pally pl0x i feel like being stupid. (i think when someone does someit silly in da EU it should be called a scrubs.... i meant a stubs.