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  1. Superstylin

    horde guilds, listen up

    dont need to be better than the competition if they join you
  2. Superstylin

    Get Ready

  3. Superstylin


  4. Superstylin

    US [Emergency] House Unfit to Live In At This Time (mirror of my 29 thread)

    Unfortunately not. Spoke with Shane for a while on this one. Unfortunate situation overall :(
  5. Superstylin

    US what is everyone doing these days?

    I'll buy a ps4 when cod4 remastered comes out. Everyone knows OW is best on pc.
  6. Superstylin

    US what is everyone doing these days?

    Playing Overwatch and waiting until my 6 accounts get unbanned so I can start scripting pve. if anyone plays overwatch and is good hmu for some competitive games
  7. Superstylin

    US Exactly what drives people away from 19s

    lol this is why you don't play this patch
  8. Superstylin

    Best troll?

    Idiote r1 troll
  9. Superstylin

    US TC 2016; The Story

    fucking love this. true tc champ right here
  10. Superstylin

    US Selling twink Guild Bank! Unobtainable goodies!!

    damn, you could have cleaned house earlier in the xpac
  11. Superstylin

    Bottles or Cans?

    where u from in canada aka the great land of the north
  12. Superstylin

    Bottles or Cans?

    Bottles if its just enjoying a casual beer, cans if I plan to forget my name that night.
  13. Superstylin

    EU+US Twink Quotes

    "lets give em the black salami" - mutando "ok we played like shit that game" - menizi
  14. Superstylin

    US Try to beat this

    oh haha. barely been playing lately so I just forgot
  15. Superstylin

    US Try to beat this

    damn thats crazy. this xpac? what were you using for gear
  16. Superstylin

    Taco vs Burrito

    Still remember this sign in vegas for a place that had "pink taco tuesdays, all you can eat" tacos 4 life.
  17. Superstylin

    US The Twink Cup needs to be saved!

    damn that is actually kind of fun to try out. I hit 97 wpm. Don't know how I could hit any higher than that.
  18. Superstylin

    EU+US I'm mad

    too bad im canadian and we dont get anything. would get a free license of wod which would be nice for another scrap account though
  19. Superstylin

    EU+US Melee nerfed at 19

    Moran had a nice post where he took a ss of his rogues and their reduced damage. Wonder if other people could take similar ss's so we could see how they all differ. Would be interesting to see how much scaling there actually is and how much it will effect games.
  20. Superstylin

    EU+US I'm mad

    are a lot of people actually wanting to see this movie? doesn't look that great but I'm probably not the target audience anyway