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  1. flux1

    Mists of Pandaria Remix

    The Blizzard fix for this will be to change scaling so levels 1-69 hit for 3/4th your HP instead.
  2. flux1

    Mists of Pandaria Remix

    No, any allied races not unlocked can't be used. So f2p can't use this as a work around to have allied race characters.
  3. flux1

    F2P 10 and 20 alts MOP remix before it ends

    Already did on the PTR and gave you I think 22 slots instead. Everything was wiped from the characters except 280% flying and dragon riding. So provided that still happens the faster flying will be the only thing a 20 can get this way they can't otherwise. It will be the only way to get normal...
  4. flux1

    Mists of Pandaria Remix

    On the PTR everything got wiped from the characters when they got kicked out. It was like they did a gear update, only all the old stuff vanished instead of going to the mailbox. Did keep the riding skill though. Also for vets/f2p, I logged in two vet accounts and was able to invite myself...
  5. flux1

    War Within Level 20 Info

    Seeing green quest rewards be just a few stats off from epics in that helmet chart is kinda shocking. It will take very little time if you want to make a new character for whatever reason to get them to a good enough state staring out. Get to 20, fly around doing a few quests in outland, kill...
  6. flux1

    F2P Traveler's Log Guide

    I just made a void elf character and the NPC was standing there. Did a /wave and got the 50 points. So it works for vets with void elves unlocked.
  7. flux1

    F2P Traveler's Log Guide

    Picked up the quest and completed it today, no credit. So not working.
  8. flux1

    War Within Level 20 Info

    Last time they bumped it from level 14 to 15 and increased the ilvl a bit. This time they are doing the gear rescaling before messing with crafted stuff. So maybe the ilvl won't be as bad, but I doubt it will be great. My guess is it gets increased to require level 16 or 17. The stuff will be...
  9. flux1

    War Within Level 20 Info

    Yeah, its an account wide unlock currently. No reason that should change. Just so long one character on your bnet has unlocked it, everyone should have it.
  10. flux1

    War Within Level 20 Info

    Between the gear changes, flying, and having what is essentially your own personal guild bank, I'm looking forward to this. With the exception of no raids, PVE is going to feel like it was back in the day for me. Flying around, doing professions on alts for myself, and running dungeons/soloing...
  11. flux1

    TWW PvE experience expectations

    I am not worried about the squish as it is right now. I am lazy and I never farmed a set of i87 gear, so I do all my PVE stuff with i61 blues and an engineering dragon trinket. A 10-15% nerf in stats isn't going to make a huge difference imo. Being able to use enchants again and SL gems is a...
  12. flux1

    War Within Level 20 Info

    It is if you don't have a sub. Even more so for f2p since they will finally have a way to move stuff between alts.
  13. flux1

    War Within Level 20 Info

    Going to guess that mode requires finishing the main campaign. So vets will be able to get it, but not f2p.
  14. flux1

    The War Within Updates - Warbands

    I'm just happy I won't have to wait for the Orgrimmar elevator or take forever to get to the Stormwind portal room anymore.
  15. flux1

    The War Within Updates - Warbands

    Yeah, when I made that post I had only heard about normal flying. The way its setup now is 15 for dynamic, 20 for 150% plus the toggle between it and dynamic and 30 for 310%. Thanks for adding that video that explains more.
  16. flux1

    The War Within Updates - Warbands

    It was also found out that you get 150% flying and Dragonriding at 20 in the alpha. So any 20s won't have to be remade using Pandaria Remix castoffs to be able to fly. That plus the account wide bank were the two biggest things I was hoping for. The first tab costs 1000 gold, so hopefully there...
  17. flux1

    Mists of Pandaria Remix

    Bronze is per char. You can have as many characters as you have free spaces for since they play on retail servers. Everyone seems to be able to learn any of the vendor items, so if you have one char you like farming bronze with thats enough. Though it doesn't show if you have already learned an...
  18. flux1

    Mists of Pandaria Remix

    I got the dragons too. I assumed it was a bug so I didn't bother mentioning it. These chars are supposed to come out into the real world when 11.0 launches. So if lowbies will get flying, I expect it to happen then when Dragonflight becomes 10-70 and people get dragon riding to be able to do...
  19. flux1

    Mists of Pandaria Remix

    At the end, the characters get ported out and don't keep any of their stuff. I bought a few things to see if they would be learnable later on after the event ended, and they were wiped out with everything else. So make sure to use anything you get because you won't be able to later on. You get...
  20. flux1

    Shadowlands for twinks

    I think the levels are going to scale also, but in a more simple method. They said allied races will start at 10, so that seems to be where 20s will be after the change. So anyone 20 or under will have their level divided by 2. Above that leaves 100 levels to max which are being squashed down...