Search results

  1. Selling Shadowfangs (Elune US) $40 USD

    dirtyauction is even more successful than you buddy atleast he can type without using lawl or lol in a sentence i cant imagine having a kid and still being so retarded thats probably why u had a kid in the first place cuz ur retarded ur in ur late 20s and you cant even use the...
  2. Need new profile pic on facebook

    how about a picture of urself and why you would ask twinkinfo is beyond me
  3. Selling Shadowfangs (Elune US) $40 USD

    haters get mad cuz i got me some bathing apes ur awful bud why are u always on my tip ur a 20 something father that says lawl owned and plays 19 twinks get ur life together bud
  4. Selling Shadowfangs (Elune US) $40 USD

    Tell that to the 2 people tht did buisness with me already with no problems whatsover buddy
  5. Selling Shadowfangs (Elune US) $40 USD

    dueche bag xx
  6. Selling Shadowfangs (Elune US) $40 USD

    I'm selling shadowfangs on Elune US for $40 USD via verified paypal. private message me if you want to work out a deal.