Search results

  1. Best server for f2p?

    We really do not need people like you on the forums
  2. THE MOST ACURATE TWINK RATING LIST (US) by Blirz with help from twiggi

    Thank you, but Im a wizard, not a rogue and of course Im the best
  3. 19 twink pvp

    Uhm uhm
  4. 19's are xbox live.

    The 19s community just became better
  5. Shadowfang in MoP

    He doesnt play anymore, he sold his account.
  6. Theorycrafting @ 19

    I use a pen some paper, chardev and sometimes reccount
  7. Shadowfang in MoP

    Hello Zack! How are you?
  8. Best of 19 (US)

    I'm the best.
  9. Gem Exploiting Morons

    This exploit is Wacotaco disapproved.
  10. 19 Armory Library

    Here is my BiS frost mage, please add me to the library. Thank you.
  11. Whats going on?

    Everyone calm down, no need to fight like this... Im the best you are all trash thank you for understanding
  12. Remedy humbled by QT

    Im the best
  13. Goma strike again

    So yeah guys Goma told me he would sell me 40 shadowfangs for 1500$. After investigation I found out Goma was a safe guy and someone we can rely on. So I actually accepted his offer and gave him 1500$ before I even saw the shadowfangs. A week after I gave him the money I was still waiting for...
  14. What the hell is goin on? seriously..

    It always happen to me but the sad part is that people arent multiboxing
  15. YOU can make it happen

    Only a few more dollars, thanks for the donation - #1 World
  16. Staff Swapping?

    No need to switch staff and priests are OP as ****
  17. Transmogrification

    I use cloth boa on my rogue
  18. YOU can make it happen

    No, some of my fans already donated